The Bitter Director Hyun Ryu x Nishikino Maki x Jumin Han

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"Hm?...Hello?..."Zen tiredly yawned as he woke up to his phone ringing loudly

"Zen!Where on earth are you,right now?!"Saito,Zen's Manager shouted in the phone

"Where?...At my house,where else would I go?"Zen yawns again

"I don't know....Maybe,AT THE STUDIO?!"Saito yells as Zen was startled

"Studio?...Ah,for that play right?But,it's only—10:30?!"Zen's eyes looked like they would pop out when he hurried took a bath and got dressed

"Yeah,So hurry up!You're dead if the Director comes here!"Saito says as he hangs up on Zen

"I-I-I'm here!"Zen shouts as he walks inside the studio,when he saw that everyone was cuddled in a circle,talking to serious

"W-What's up?..D-Did the Director found out?"Zen asked them

"No,You're just in time,The Director is arriving 10 minutes from now"One of the staff members said

"Then,what's up with you guys?"Zen asks as he sees his Manager,Saito

"Saito,Who's the director for this play again?"Zen asks

"Zen,It's finally your time to shine!"Saito shows him a bright grin as he holds hi/sshoulders

"T-Time to shine?..."Zen asks

"But this is a double-edged sword,I'm not sure if you'll be able to handle this but,I trust you..."Saito continues to mumble

"What are you talking about?"Zen asks

"The one who will be directing this play,Is Director Nishikino Maki!"Saito shouts in excitement

"D-Director Nishikino Maki?!"Zen shouts again,a bright smile on his face

"Yes!I don't know how but,She said someone recommended you to her and she decided to try it out!"Saito says

"Oh my god,I'm not prepared for this,I'm going to do my best!"Zen says

"All of Director Nishikino's Play are top-hit,Who knows?Maybe,they'll finally discover you,since you'll be playing the male lead in her newest play!"Saito says

"Gosh,I'm so excited!But,I'm kinda nervous"Zen grins

"I agree,Who wouldn't be?Ever since Director Maki's Past experience in love,All she directs are either action or comedy,She never directs romance"Saito sighs

"Eh?..But,isn't her newest play called,The Blue Rose?"Zen questions

"Yes,it is—It's a romance play,made by her,however...the male lead there—He...Was killed by soldiers.."Saito sighs again

"I'm not so sure,that my fans would like the idea of seeing me dead"Zen chuckles nervously

"It's not about your fans,Right now,you need to put on your best act!Director Nishikino will be heading this!"Saito says

"I know!I'll make Director Nishikino's cold heart,melt!"Zen says determinedly

"You're gonna make who's heart what?"A fiesty voice replies behind Zen as Saito's face draws to fear

"I'm gonna make Director Nishikino's cold hea—Director Nishikino!?"Zen shouts terrifiedly when he looked behind him he saw Nishikino Maki standing there,her arms folded in front of her as she tapped her feet on the ground

"Enough nonsense and get to your place,this instant!"Maki shouts as him as Zen quickly runs to the dressing room to get changed

"Saito"Maki calls out to Saito and he approaches her,shaking

Y-Yes,Director,How may I help you?"

"Remember,I'm only trying out Zen because a friend of mine said that he is a vakuable actor to try...I trust my friend so much,that I decided to do it,Don't let him get carried away too much and make him focus on acting"

"I understand,Director Nishikino,But may I ask a question?"

"Go ahead"

"Who is this friend of yours who recommended,Zen?"

"I'm not sure if you know of him,but I'll tell you anyways,His name is Jumin Han"Maki sighs as she turns around and walks away keaving Saito with his mouth open

"T-The Jumin Han?!"


"Jumin,What brings you to call me?"Maki sighs as she answers the call,which was made by her bestfriend,Jumin Han

"Nothing,I was just curious about something"Jumin answered

"And that would be?"

"Are you free for lunch?"



"You do know,that today,I'm directing my play with that actor you recommended to me,right?"

"Yes,I am well aware of that"

"Although,you ask me if,I'm free for lunch when you perfectly know that I'm gonna spend my lunch rehearsing the dialogue for the play"

"I know but...Maki,you should learn to take a break sometimes,what do you say?"


"CUT!Lunch break,After 30 minutes,I expect everyone back here in the set"Maki shouts as everyone walk away to eat

"So,If I may ask,Director Nishikino,how was Zen?"Saito approached Maki

"Zen?I agree he has potential and good talent,due seeing his acting skills in romance,I'm guessing he's not that experienced in love"Maki says as she walks away again

"What did she say,What did she say?!"Zen bounced up and down from excitement at Saito as he sighs

"Director Nishikino says you have great talent and potential,but you're not that experienced in love"Saito repeats

"Oh my god!Director Nishikino is praising my beauty?!"Zen exaggerates

"Not your beauty....Your talent,idiot"Saito laughs

"Fine,fine—Anyways,I'll just buy food outside~I'll be back in 30 minutes~"Zen winks at Saito as he walks out

"Here you go,thank you and come again!"The clerk bowed as she handed Zen's food to him and smiled

"Thank you~"Zen winks at the girl,almost making her faint as he takes his food and sits on a table

When Zen was calmly eating his food,Right beside him he saw one of his closest yet hated friend,Jumin Han

"Trustfund Kid?!What's he doing here?!"Zen almost spits out the soda he just drank as he sees Jumin looking at his watch

"Goodmorning,Welcome!!"Then,the door's bell chimes as the door opens and in came,Maki

"D-Director Nishikino,too?!"Zen now,almost choking hides as he sees Maki walk in his direction

But before she could reach the spot Zen sat in,Maki sat down in front of the Jumin Han

"D-Director Nishikino and that Trustfund Kid knows each other?!"Zen shouts inside his mind

A few seconds later,he sees Maki and Jumin chatting casually,occasionally exchanging smiles and laughs

"Wow...They said that Director Nishikino could never smile nor laugh,but what am I seeing now?Am I dreaming?!"Zen shakes his head as he was fascinated by how gorgeous Maki looked when she smiled or laughed

"Director Nishikino,looks kinda.....cute"Zen comments to himself,as he finds himself staring at Maki in awe as she smiles,showing her pearly white teeth with a toothy grin

"But the fact,that Trustfund Kid is the one who's making her smile is a bit irritating..."Zen sighed as he glared at Jumin

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