Of Love and Lies Ichinomiya Eisuke x Kirisaki Chitoge x Jumin Han

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It was a normal night,back at the Tres Spades,Eisuke–Spending it with his lover for 5 years,Kirisaki Chitoge

They were at the bed,snoozing away until dawn arises,It was half-midnight when Chitoge suddenly woke up

Nothing in particular woke her up,but her eyes suddenly flew open,She didn't move an inch when she realized,that her boyfriend,Eisuke was tapping away at his phone

Of course,Only one thought entered her mind—He was texting another woman behind her back

What possible explanation could there be?Late at midnight,where no one would possibly be awake

When she read the messages,she saw him sending kiss marks and hearts—Now,that was enough proof

Chitoge sighs in her mind,her eyebrows furrowed together,they've been dating fro 5 years,yet he chose to cheat now?

Chitoge closes her eyes,pretending to be asleep again,she turned to the side whilst still pretending to be asleep

Noticing her sudden movement,Eisuke thought that Chitoge might wake up any second and closed his cellphone before crawling behind Chitoge

Not that he knew that she was actually awake,Eisuke wrapped his hand on Chitoge's waist and snuggles behind her back

Once,he was settled and had already fallen asleep....Chitoge opened her eye,Her aqua blue orbs burned with a raging fire that no one could ever put out

A week after that,Chitoge was faced with a drunk Eisuke...

That night,Chitoge was sitting in the lounge of the penthouse,she had texted Baba and the others as to Eisuke's whereabouts and they all said that he had left the auction early

According to Ota,Eisuke left the auction at exactly 8pm,Now–It was almost 9:30,He's been gone for an hour and a half

"Where are you,Eisuke?..."Chitoge mumbles to herself,as she hid her face on her palms,sighing frustratedly

She had come to a possible conclusion,that Eisuke was with that girl he was texting the week before,and she was spot-on

A loud ring from the elevator echoed as the doors opened,and a drunk Eisuke stumbled inside the penthouse,holding his suit with one hand,he was left with his white button up shirt

Chitoge sighed and walked to him,helping him to the bedroom,Chitoge dropped him with a loud huff on the bed as she walked away to get water to wash him with

Placing the small bowl with water on the table,Chitoge unbottoned his short and started wiping his chest with the wet towel

When she removed his shirt,she could see in clear sight the lipstick stain left on his left chest,Chitoge's eyes widened when she saw this

She looked back at Eisuke,seeing him fast asleep with a small smile on his face,Chitoge cleared the thoughts out of her mind and started to wipe the lipstick stain away

Once it was gone,Despite trying her utmost best to hold the tears back,She failed–A single tear fell from her eye as she frustratedly threw the towel aside and left him there,walking away

That night,Chitoge cried until she fell asleep

The next thing happened when Chitoge was walking out of Eisuke's company,She had just finished a meeting with one of the important share holders when she was walking to the parking area

When she did so,She encountered a woman who had long black hair and similar eyes,in her hands she held a couple of papers and binders altogether

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