Chapter 32 (Edited)

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A/N: Ummm.... don't kill me yet.... xD D:

If you want to see a dead Rylan and got tired of this story then go to Part 37. This marks the end of the actual book and the beginning of the alternate ending.


I opened the car door and looked around to see that most of the Wolves were indoors. My body relaxed slightly, even though, it wasn't much. Everything looked normal, but I knew that that might just be that way from the outside and everything could be different on the inside.

"Ry?" my mate asked, touching my elbow. He looked at me with worry filled eyes, and I could tell that he felt what was going on, also. "Are you alright?" He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and studied me.

I forced a smile on my face, trying to ease my mate from the worry that filled his brain. "I am, right now," I said. "I don't know..." I grimaced and shook my head. "I need to go and run the borders. I want to make sure that everything is in order and no one has breached it."

"I can come with, but... you want to go by yourself." Cooper said, catching my look. He offered a small smile and gave me a kiss on my lips. "Come back to me," he whispered, knowing that it was time. "Please?"

I smiled at him. "Don't I always?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I sunk into his arms and sighed, loving the feeling of safety and warmth before I pulled away. I looked at the front door and smiled when I saw Aunt Clarice and Uncle Carter standing there together, holding hands.

"So, they are in a relationship," Coop said, following my gaze.

"They were a couple before," I replied. I pecked his lips. My heart was breaking because it felt like goodbye. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen now, and that meant I would not be able to raise a family with my mate. "I got to go do this now if I want to be back before dinner."

Cooper smiled and kissed my lips. He tried to be strong, but we both knew that he was breaking. "Be careful." He squeezed my hand before backing up. "Remember your promise."

I nodded my head before turning towards the trees and started running. Guilt filled my heart because I was not going to be able to help the new pack members find their way around. 'Remember your promise,' I said to Liam. I could feel Vulcan chasing after me and pushed myself harder than I had ever run before.

'Wait, what are you doing? Where are you going?' Liam asked, and I could feel his panic through our link. 'Ry-'

'Do as I say,' I said, interrupting me. 'You promised.' I made it to the border to spy five Demon men in front of me, including the Prince and skidded to a halt in front of them. "You literally have like five seconds before the rescue comes," I said. "Just promise me that if I don't survive whatever plan you had planned for me that you make sure that my friends stay alive through all of this. If not, then I will make sure that my successor kicks your ass."

The Prince frowned and nodded his head. "Of course, Red Wolf." He bowed his head, respectively. He cleared his throat and nodded as if agreeing with himself. "I'm sorry about this," he said and punched me in the face.

'I love you,' I linked my mate before I blacked out, not wanting to cause the prince any trouble.


I groaned and opened my eyes to see Andrew sneering at me. My head ached from where the Prince hit me, and I still couldn't decide if I should trust him or not. "Oh, it's you," I said, closing my eyes. "Wake me up when it is someone important." I groaned when Andrew punched me in the gut and in the face. I opened my eyes and glared at him, snarling.

"You should stay awake for this, Red Wolf," he sneered. "We have finally found a way to make it so that you can not escape and join us."

I highly doubt that, I thought, pursing my lips, but I'll play along just this once. "Ya right. How many times have I left and thwarted your plans?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "I mean, I still have to kill you." I groaned when he punched me in the face and glared at the man before. Hatred filled my chest as I studied him before studying the three people in the room with him.

Andrew glared and moved towards the side. He looked at the crew behind him and turned to look at me, an evil smile on his face. "I think we forgot to introduce you to the Demon Pr-"

"Fernos," I replied, interrupting the Elder. I smirked when he growled at me. "Ya, I know the Prince's name. I have been researching stuff, remember?" I grunted when he smacked me in the face and smiled. "Awwww did I hurt your wittle feelings by interwupting you? Just get on with it. I don't have to know your plans. I'm going to foil them anyways."

"Or are you?" Andrew asked, sneering. There was this... evil glint in his eyes that got to me, and for the first time I felt... afraid of him. He had sold his soul to the Devil, and there was nothing left but a power hungry Elder that wanted to rule the world. "Fernos, be a Dear and make it so that she is not able to move or break out. We want to raise Garth soon. Oh, and make sure to bring her "friends" along. We don't want them to miss the party."

I struggled as Fernos started to try and get me to stop moving. I growled and snapped at him, panic filling my heart. I could not escape, and I could feel that this was the end. I watched as Andrew cut his hand and sneered.

"And now," he said placing his hand to my mouth. "Et dabo te in sanguinem meum, ut excitare mala in medio vestrum (I give you my blood to wake the evil inside of you)." He forced my mouth open and let the blood go into the mouth and through my body.

I tried to scream, tried to beg for the Goddess to free me, but it was all to no avail as I succumbed to the darkness and only saw red.

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