Back At The Hospital

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Mark's POV

I'm so glad me and Lexie are back together. But now we need to come back to reality, how is she going to react to Sophia and what do I tell Julia. I know what I need to do. I pick up my phone and dial Julia's number.

J- Hey!

M- I think we should break up, I know doing this over the phone is very stupid and terrible, but I think it will be easier for me. I'm still in love with Lexie

J- The hoe who hit me in the boob with a baseball! You're leaving me for her?!

M- How dare you call her that! You have no right!

I got so mad I hung up the phone. I grabbed my eyes and phone and drove to the hospital. I just wanted to see Lexie and my daughter.

Lexie's POV

"Hi Dr. Hunt, I'm on your service today!" I say.

"Did you talk to Amelia, I hired her today, I thought we could use another neurosurgeon to help Derek." Owen says.

"No, but I have seen her around, she seems really nice." I say.

"Okay, Grey, we have a GSW to the hip on the way." Hunt says, gathering supplies for the trauma coming in.

"GSW's here Dr. Hunt." I say.

"Marvin Young, GSW to the hip, said it was a hunting accident." The paramedic says.

"Am I going to die? Me and my buddy were just camping and decided to go hunting!"

"Sir, we are going to do everything in our power to keep you alive. Try not to speak to much." I say, trying to reassure the patient.

"Okay, page Torres! He needs surgery immdiently!" Hunt yells.

6 Hours Later

"Come on Lexie, let's go up date the family." Hunt says, walking out of the OR.

"Okay." I say following him to the waiting area where the family is.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Hunt, and this is Dr. Grey, we were the surgeons operating on your son. Surgery went smoothly, and you can see him now if you would like." Hunt says.

"Yes, can we go see him now?" Mrs. Young asks.

"Of course, follow me." I say as I escort them to their son's room. I close the door and start to fill out the post op on Marvin.

"Dr. Grey, you're being paged to the pit, 911." A nurse says to me. I hand her the chart, and quickly run to the pit.

As I'm running to the pit, I run into Mark holding Sophia.

"Lexie, can I talk to you? It's important." Mark says.

"Not right now I got paged 911 to the pit." I say.

"Yeah, I know I paged you." Mark says, then he pulls me into an oncall room.

"Hi." Sophia says to me, she must be about one year old.

"Hi." I say waving my hand at her.

"Mark, what did you want to talk about." I say.

"I broke up with Julia, but she didn't take it the best, and start talking about you. And I just needed to see you and Sophia." Mark says.

I lean close to him and begin kissing him.

Owen's POV

I didn't hire Amelia just because we have been seeing each other for a while, but because she is an amazing neurosurgeon. I just don't know how to break it off with Cristina. Then I see her working on some charts.

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