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Everyone has a huge imagination and it is amazing to imagine but sometimes this imagination becomes true which can curse you or praise you. You imagine that things which you can't see in your real life but sometimes you imagine that things which you can see in your life.

Amelia also loves to imagine and she imagines every single momemt, she always says to her mom that this is going to happen that is going to happen but her mom didn't belived her and after some time started ignoring her. It was very rough time for her but she manged her life.

Everyone one loved Amelia but for some reason they were not comfortable with Amelia. They thought that she was abnormal.

Everyone started playing with her feelings and hurting her. But she just occurred with......

She could not bare it anymore.....

So she....

With her pain....

With that curse....

With that un love.....

Ok let me start from the beginning......

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