Chapter 12

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Amelia's pov

Is he a family member of Swift??????????

I don't know, but I wanted to know so I went back to his dorm. I was unable to find him, and i didn't find him anywhere......

So, I started asking every one that where was he, but no one was able to tell. I went back home after that. At night when i had my dinner and was going to sleep, i got a call from a unknown number, i picked it up and it said "Hey Amelia, how are you?, It was nice to meet you, I like to meet you again, so please. come to school, pleaseeee?" He said it in a very wired which I hate it, but I wanted to know who was that, so i made my way to the school.

When i reached my school, it was looking like a haunted house. But i entered with strong mind.

I could peer all the way to the end of the hallway, to the barely illuminated double doors that led to the cafeteria. The couple of dim lights left on overnight reflected off of the freshly waxed tiles. it was strange to see a place that usually contains so much energy in such a quiet time of night. the reverb and echos from my footsteps made me feel uneasy. I felt exposed, with no room to duck into, no stairs to take. I just had to focus on those dark double doors at the end of the hallway.

I slowely walked to the end of the hallway and found the room. I entered the room and Shadows seem to swirl around my feet, sucking me in. In a burst of panic, I fumble for a light switch. I flip it up and down frantically, but the room remains immersed in darkness. Fear settles in and deep down, i know am not alone in the dark. Something brushes me back. I turn, but there is nothing. Nothing i can see, that is. Outside I can hear the autumn wind howling, and it almost sounds like laughter to my panicked mind. A low chuckle breaks my thought process, directly in front of me. I scream, but hear nothing in the overwhelming blackness. I being drawn in, drowned in slumbering evil, there is no escape...

A sound came from back "Welcome Amelia, I am glad that you came here"

But when i turned back i saw....

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