Chapter Four

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Six days go by, along with the shock and excitement that came with meeting Harry Potter. Alice had just stood there awkwardly during the time, and she is now left with worry about what kind of impression she made on the two. She must have looked and sounded ridiculous to them.

Alice has not had the chance to speak to Scorpius since they bumped into one another a week ago. In all honesty, she wants to see him again. Of course, she sees him a few times a week in the classes that the Gryffindors and Slytherins share, but they have been so busy during those classes that Alice has not had one minute alone with him.

Maybe it's for the best, she decides. She wants to talk to him, however, she has no idea what she would say. If she did talk to him, she would just end up standing there all shy and awkwardly like she did when she met Harry and Ginny. She does not want that to happen.

The snow is finally beginning to melt outside, forced into liquid by the warm rays from the sun. March is coming to an end. Fifth and seventh year students are filling every free minute with studying for the upcoming O.W.L.s and N.E.W.Ts.

The common room is peaceful. A few students lurk here and there, with their books open and quills in their hands. Alice is sitting comfortably in front of the fire, where she has a muggle book opened up in her lap.

She guesses that Rose is up in the dormitory, taking a nap or rearranging her things for the tenth time this week. Sometimes, on a particularly uneventful afternoon, Rose will even reorganize Alice's things, without waiting for permission. Of course, Alice has grown used to this. It bothered her at first, having someone else go through her private things, but she has grown to appreciate it.

"That looks like a particularly interesting book," a familiar voice whispers from behind Alice. She jolts a little in surprise but relaxes when she realizes who it is.

"Bloody hell, Teddy, you frightened me," she sighs, closing her book as Ted Lupin plops himself down on the sofa next to her.

"So sorry, but you scare very easily," he explains. "It would have been absurd for me not to do that." She rolls her eyes.

"Shouldn't you be studying for your O.W.L.s?" Alice asks accusingly, sounding much like her own mother.

"It's only March, I've got plenty of time," Teddy says carelessly, prying Alice's book from her hands, despite her loud protests. "Oh, hush, it isn't as if I'm going to throw it in the fire. I'm just having a look."

"You're very rude," she argues, defeated. Teddy smiles.

"Only for you, love." Alice shoves his shoulder playfully. "Actually, I'm not here to discuss Muggle books with you." He closes the book and returns it to its rightful owner, who raises an eyebrow at him. "There's a rumor going around that you're friends with Scorpius Malfoy."

Alice's face drops. "What?"

"The other day, my friend said he saw you two chatting in the corridor. And he said you were both smiling and---"

"So?" The third year cuts him off sharply. "So what if I'm friends with Scorpius?" Though this is not entirely true, Alice feels the strong urge to defend the boy, because unlike everyone else in this school, she thinks he is as innocent as anyone could be.

Teddy looks caught off guard. "What, so --- it's true? You're really friends with him?"

Alice glares at him.

"Well, you've heard the rumors, haven't you? That he's Voldemort's son?"

"That's complete rubbish," Alice hisses through clenched teeth. "Honestly, Ted, you can't believe that, and you can't expect me to believe it. He's an innocent boy---"

"Maybe he is, but maybe you should steer clear of him until you're sure. You know that his parents were death eaters, right?"

"Well, following that logic," Alice says angrily, rising to her feet, "I suppose you think I should stay away from everyone. You know, Ted, lots of students have parents that have made bad decisions, but that does not mean their children will follow in their footsteps."

Teddy gapes, shocked at his friend's sudden outburst. "I didn't mean---"

"I know exactly what you meant," Alice says harshly, picking up her books and cradling them in her arms. "Good day to you." With that, she struts away towards the stairs that lead to the girls' dormitory.

Teddy sighs deeply. "Women."


"What did he say this time?" Rose asks, tossing one of her pillows at Alice. The brunette girl lays flat on her stomach, hiding her face in her own pillows. She is still angry at Teddy for the things he said. Thankfully, Rose is no longer angry at Alice for whatever reason she was the previous night.

Ted has a tendency to say things that bother Alice. She knows that he only means to watch out for her, as she does for him, but he goes about it the wrong way and ends up hurting the girl's feelings.

"I don't want to talk about it," Alice grumbles irritatedly, voice muffled by the pillow. Rose sighs and lays down on her own four-poster bed, gazing up at the ceiling.

"It wasn't about Scorpius, was it?" The red-head asks quietly. Alice turns her head to look at her friend.

"Maybe it was," she murmurs. "What difference would that make?"

Rose shifts so she is lying on her side, facing her friend's bed. "Alice, I don't mean to hurt your feelings, and I'm certain Ted didn't mean to, either."

Alice inhales sharply, ready to come to Scorpius's defense, but Rose keeps talking.

"Please, Alice," she says. "Just try to understand. We're just a little worried, that's all." Alice sighs and flips over so she is laying on her back. She remains quiet.

"Why do you like him, anyways?" Rose asks suddenly, and Alice lowers her eyebrows. "I mean, in all of our time at Hogwarts, no boy has ever caught your eye. Why him? Why Scorpius? You hardly know him."

The corner of Alice's mouth lifts. "Honestly, I have no clue. It might be because he won't stop staring at me all the time--"

"Which I still find creepy," Rose interrupts, but goes quiet under Alice's glare.

"And, we've really only spoken to each other one time, and it was brief, but he was really nice to me. And I know you're not too fond of him--"

"Enormous understatement."

"But I wish you would respect the fact that I want to be friends with him."

Rose fingers the edge of her bed covers. "Alright."

Alice grins, relieved. "Alright."

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