Chapter Twenty Six

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When the idea of traveling back in time came up, the thought that everything could change crossed Alice's mind, but only stayed briefly. She doesn't realize just how much going back in time can affect her lives.

An hour after the trio is found in the Forbidden Forest, Scorpius and Alice are standing together on a section of the staircase, waiting for Albus to be released from the Hospital Wing. Alice knows that she is not nearly as worried about Albus as Scorpius is, but it still makes her uneasy to see the blonde haired boy this way.

She cocks her head to the side, giving him a look. "I'm sure he'll be fine, Scorpius." She places her small hand on his shoulder as a means of comfort. He finally meets her gaze, his elbows still resting against the long railing.

"Yeah," the boy murmurs in response. Alice sighs, trying to think of how to make the boy feel better, but nothing comes to mind. So, she inhales deeply and then stands beside him, resting her elbows alongside his.

Then, Albus and Harry are at the bottom of the staircase. Alice hears their voices before she actually sees them.

"Dad, you have two choices, either you take me to—" Albus starts to say.

"No, you're the one with the choice, Albus," Harry replies to his son. "You do this, or you get in deeper, much deeper trouble— do you understand?"

"Albus?" Scorpius says, noticing the two Potters for the first time. He immediately begins walking down the stairs towards his friend. Alice stays behind, knowing better than to interfere. Anyways, she was told to go back to her dormitory and go to bed right after she was found in the forest with the boys. She knows that she will get punished for what she did in the morning.

"You're okay," Scorpius says to his friend, relieved. "That's fantastic."

"He's completely cured," Harry says curtly. "And we've got to go." Alice watches with empathy as Albus keeps walking with his father. She watches Scorpius walk after them, trying to get Albus to talk to him.

Alice sighs deeply before making her way back to her dormitory. 

The next morning, Alice is able to avoid conversation from the professors. Her first class of the day is Defense Against the Dark Arts. She gets there very early, and is surprised to see Hermione Granger at the front of the classroom.

"Hermione?" She asks, extremely surprised.

"Professor Granger, I believe is my name, Longbottom," Hermione replies. "Our two trained absconders. Finally joining us." Alice looks up as she notices Albus standing in the doorway, looking just as shocked to see Hermione as Alice is.

"What are you doing here?" Albus asks.

"Teaching. For my sins. What are you doing here? Learning, I hope," Hermione says.

"But you're... you're... Minister for Magic," Albus points out.

"Been having those dreams again, have you, Potter?" Hermione asks incredulously. "Today we're going to look at the Patronus Charms."

Albus looks amazed. Alice is stunned by the situation, so she remains silent. "You're our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?"

"Losing patience now," Hermione says impatiently. Many other students have began to file into the classroom. "Ten points from Gryffindor for stupidity." Alice furrows her eyebrows, extremely confused.

"Gryffindor?" She repeats. "But Albus isn't in—" She immediately stops talking at the look Hermione gives her.

"No, no," a girl students says, standing up, affronting. "He's doing it deliberately. He hates Gryffindor and everyone knows it."

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