Chapter Seventeen

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Leaving school was easy, it was adjusting to home life so quick that Alice found difficult. Unlike many other students at Hogwarts, Alice actually enjoys doing assignments and learning about the world of magic. Sure, sometimes it gave her a headache. But she knows in order to have a successful future, she must do well in her studies.

The first month of the summer, she stayed at home with her mother and father. Alice always gets along well with her parents, which makes home life very stress-free for her.

"Did you pack everything? Do you have those extra jumpers I gave you?" Hannah Longbottom pesters her. The poor mother must be pushy when it comes to her daughter and packing, because Alice almost always forgets at least one item. She gets that from her father.

"Yes, mum," the child sighs. "You don't have to make a big fuss, it's not as if I'm moving out."

"I know, I just want you to be prepared," Hannah says. "Well, you should get going. You remember how to do this, right?"

Alice took her case and stepped next to the fireplace, taking the powder from her mother, wishing that her father was there at the moment to say goodbye. However, he had business to attend to so he said goodbye earlier in the day. "Yes, mum, I've traveled through the Floo Network before."

"Alright, just stay safe," Hannah says. "And don't forget to write!"

"I know, mum," Alice steps into the fireplace, which hasn't been used for it's intended purpose in years. The family simply uses it to travel through the Floo Network.

"Bye, darling!" Alice smiles and says a quick goodbye before dropping the powder to her feet and enunciating Rose's address. A puff of green smoke clouds her sight before she appears in a different room, in a different house.

She barely recovers from the dizzying trip before she hears her name being exclaimed in the distance, no doubt coming from Rose.

When Alice's vision returns to normal and she regains her balance, she steps out of the fireplace and takes in her surroundings. The Granger-Weasley household is different than hers. It's much bigger and a little warmer, decorated with cozy furniture.

"Alice!" Her red headed friend approaches her and pulls her into a tight embrace, catching the brunette off guard. Eventually, she grins and returns the hug, feeling happy to see her friend again even if it's only been a month since they last saw one another.

"I'm so glad to see you!" Rose says, pulling away with a grin on her face. Her red hair falls in waves around her face.

"You too," Alice says. "Where can I put my case?" She pulls her suitcase out of the fireplace and holds it at her side until Rose gently pries it from her grip.

"I'll take it upstairs for you," she says. "Come on, follow me. I want you to meet Hugo."

Alice follows Rose up the winding staircase, which leads to a long hallway with doors stemming off of each side. She stops at the second one on the left, which has her name written in sparkly block letters.

"Fancy," Alice comments as the two girls step into the room. Alice gives the area an appreciative once over, admiring the way Rose keeps all of her things neat and orderly, much like she does at school.

"I'm putting your bag here, don't forget," Rose says, placing the suitcase just inside the closet against the wall. The closet is packed wall to wall with different colored clothes, the floor lined with many pairs of fashionable shoes and boots.

"I like your room," Alice says, "it's much cleaner than mine." Rose gives a light chuckle.

"I can imagine that," the girl replies. "How about we go downstairs for a cup of tea, then you can meet Hugo?" Alice smiles and follows Rose back down the stairs, into the large kitchen. Rose pulls two mugs out of the cupboard and gets started on the tea, while Alice sits at the counter and admires her surroundings.

"Here you go," Rose says, sliding the steaming mug towards Alice. The brunette grins and says a 'thank you' before sipping slowly at the warm drink.

"I'll be back, I'm going to call Hugo down here," Rose says. "He's very excited to meet you, but probably a little nervous, too."

Alice nods. "I'll be nice."

Rose smiles. "Yes, I know you will."

With that, the red head exits the room, leaving Alice all by her lonesome. She takes a deep breath before sipping her tea again. The familiar taste eases her nerves somewhat. She's not sure why she's nervous in the first place, maybe because she does not want to come on strong to Hugo. She has a feeling that she does not make a good first impression, even if Rose has told her otherwise, many times.

"Alice," Rose's voice brings Alice out of her thoughts. She smiles as she sees the small red-headed boy trailing shorty behind Rose, keeping his eyes on the floor in front of him. He is much shorter than Rose; Alice guesses that he won't start at Hogwarts for a year or two.

"This is my little brother, Hugo," Rose formally introduces, gesturing to the small boy.

"Hi," the boy says, hands fidgeting nervously at his sides. Alice smiles a little at his nervousness, feeling a twinge of sympathy for the boy. She may have been a little nervous, but it's probably nothing compared to what Hugo's feeling.

"Hello, Hugo," Alice says. "It's nice to finally meet you. Rose talks about you all the time."

The boy manages a small smile.

"We are having tea," Rose tells Hugo. "Would you like to join us?"

The boy nods slowly before choosing a seat at the table. Alice sips at her cooling tea and smiles at the siblings. This summer is going to be great, the brunette thinks to herself.


Sorry for the super late update :/

I promise I will have another chapter up within the next few days, to make up for my lack of updates. Hope y'all are enjoying the story. :)

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