Chapter 2

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We got back to my flat and Randy walked me up to the door.

" i had a fabulous time today Randy" i said to him

" im glad you had a good time i enjoyed spending the time with you" Randy replied

He kissed my cheek and I blushed

" ill pick you up later beautiful" he said flashing me a smile

" see you later" i said opening the door and walking in

I flopped down on my bed i was a little tired but was just thinking about the fabulous time i had with Randy today.

(2 hours later)

I had just finished eating a small dinner and i decided id jump in the shower to get ready for Randy picking me up.

I just got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me and opened up my wardrobe trying to decide what i was going to wear.

In the end i settled for a pair of jeans and a strapped top with my black zip ip hoddie just incase it got cold in the arena.

I was just checking my hair and make up when the bell went "coming" i yelled

I opened the door and there stood Randy gorgeous as ever smiling at me " Ready?"

"yep" i grabbed my keys of the hook locked the front door and followed Randy to his car.

He ope ed the door for me and i slipped in. Randy got in the drivers side and started the car and drove to the arena.

He parked the car at the back of the arena and ope ed my door for me he walked up to a security guard and asked if they had my backstage/ VIP pass and the security guard ha fed him the pass.

Randy gave it to me and i put it around my neck. I smiled up at him. He grabbed my hand and we headed in to the arena.

We walked to wards his locker room we past lots of superstars and divas on our way. I remembered most of them from the event yesterday.

We entered his locker room " make yourself comfortable" Randy told me

I sat on one of the big leather couches.

Randy put his bag down on the bench and started getting ready for his match tonight.

I grabbed my phone and started playing a game on my phone.

"want to come to catering with me?" Randy asked me

"sure" i replied

He opened his locker room door and led me to catering.

When we got in everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

I dug my hands in my front pocket, tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

Lucky Randy grabbed my waist and walked me over to the food table " grab whatever you want" he said grabbing a plate and loading it up with food.

I nodded and followed Randy. I wasn't that hungry so i grabbed and apple and a bottle of water.

Randy headed over to a table and i followed. I sat across from him and tucked in to my apple while he dug into his food.

I looked around and caught peoples eyes as they were looking at me. In the end i ended up looking down while still eating.

Just then someone sat next to Randy and slapped his back "yo Orton ready for tonight" he said

I remember who he was but the name just wouldn't come to me.

" always ready to kick your arse Cena"

Randy replied.

Just as he said that i remembered he was John Cena.

" who is this pretty lady? Im sure ive seen you before"

" you have i was the bar tender at the party last night" i said

" yes i remember" john said smiling and started eating his food.

When Randy finished he looked at me" you ready to go beautiful"

I nodded to his replied.

I didn't want to say but i wanted to get out as soon as i could i hated these people looking at me.

We headed back to his locker room i smiled when it was just me and him.

Randy got ready into his ring attire. It wasn't long before the show would be starting.

"20 minutes Randy" some one said knocking on the door

"we better get you to your seat" Randy said

Randy got one of the backstage crew to take me to my seat.

I took my seat and 20 minutes later the show started.

The first match was a tag team match the usos vs the new age outlaws. In which the usos won. I was cheering.

Then all of a sudden ' i hear voices calling...' started i cheered as loud as i could as Randy Orton was walking down the ramp to the ring.

" this match is sent for one fall, introducing the current world heavyweight champion from st Louis Missouri Randy Orton"

He looked at me and winked and got into the ring and did his pose right in front of me.

Just then John Cenas music started playing

" introducing the challenger weighing in at 261 pounds from West-bury, Massachusetts John Cena"

John entered the ring and did his move. Then the bell rang and the match started

" go Randy" i shouted

Randy was dominating the match he hot John with an RKO and went for the pin


" and the winner of this match Randy Orton"

I shouted in excitement just then everything went dark

" sierra, hotel, India, echo lima, delta, the shield"

Just then the shield came down and Randy was in the ring all alone john was past out trying to recover.

Just then the shield attacked Randy. They triple power bombed him.

The shield jumped over the railing and Dean stopped by me and whispered in my ear " sorry we hurt your boyfriend.. Not!" he said and climbed up the stairs.

The medics were attending Randy and he left with medics helping him. He looked at me and saw concern in my eyes.

After the show i was escorted backstage to Randys dressing room.

On the way i saw Dean standing near Randy's locker room he was looking at me i just rolled my eyes and knocked on Randys dressing room.

A night to remember (WWE randy orton/ dean Ambrose) #whattys2015Where stories live. Discover now