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45 Simple Self-Care Practices for a Healthy Mind, Body, and Soul

"There are days I drop words of comfort on myself like falling leaves and remember that it is enough to be taken care of by myself." ~Brian Andreas

Do you ever forget to take care of yourself?

I know. You're busy, and finding the time to take proper care of yourself can be hard. But if you don't, it won't be long before you're battered from exhaustion and operating in a mental fog where it's hard to care about anything or anyone.

I should know.

A few years ago, I had a corporate job in London, working a regular sixty-hour week. I enjoyed working with my clients and colleagues, and I wanted to do well.

But I had no life.

I rarely took care of myself, and I was always focused on goals, achievements, and meeting the excessive expectations I had of myself. My high tolerance for discomfort meant I juggled all the balls I had in the air—but at the expense of being a well-rounded human being.

So I made an unusual choice. I quit my job and moved to Thailand to work in a freelance capacity across many different countries and companies, which enabled me to set my own hours and engagements.

I began to take care of myself better, scheduling in time alone, for exercise, and for fun.

I got to know myself better and know what I needed—not just to function, but to flourish.

But guess what?

At the end of last year, I spent Christmas alone in bed, completely exhausted.

Why did this happen?

Well, I had been running my busy website and consulting in seven countries in just two months. I forgot to take care of myself again, and I got a nasty case of strep throat.

Self-Care Isn't a One-Time Deal

The strep throat was a harsh reminder that self-care isn't something you do once and tick off the list.

It's the constant repetition of many tiny habits, which together soothe you and make sure you're at your optimum—emotionally, physically, and mentally.

The best way to do this is to implement tiny self-care habits every day. To regularly include in your life a little bit of love and attention for your own body, mind, and soul.

The following ideas are tiny self-care activities you can fit into a short amount of time, usually with little cost.

Pick one from each category, and include them in your life this week.

Tiny Self-Care Ideas for the Mind

1. Start a compliments file. Document the great things people say about you to read later.

2. Scratch off a lurker on your to-do list, something that's been there for ages and you'll never do.

3. Change up the way you make decisions. Decide something with your heart if you usually use your head. Or if you tend to go with your heart, decide with your head.

4. Go cloud-watching. Lie on your back, relax, and watch the sky.

5. Take another route to work. Mixing up your routine in small ways creates new neural pathways in the brain to keep it healthy.

6. Pay complete attention to something you usually do on autopilot, perhaps brushing your teeth, driving, eating, or performing your morning routine.

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