Chapter 4- Returns and Flashbacks

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When I awoke, I lay on a cot of crocheted clothing. I reached down, touching my side that had been wrapped in white socks. I winced at the sharp pain, and immediately pulled my hand away. I looked down at the blood sodden cloth, breathing hard.
My parents had made camp. We were deep in the woods somewhere... but this time, instead of feeling the prickles of frost on my face, I felt warmth shine on my body. I then realized where we were. We were in Texas once more.

It felt like the house was a war house. The house shook as small bombs exploded around us. We were being raided. My mom turned quickly, taking some shots with a rifle and ducking back down, taking cover. "Chris! I'm running out of ammo!!" My dad, to my right, was taking multiple shots with his shotgun, flattened against the wall.
"I am too." He said nervously. "Jenn, we're running out of options." My mother turned around shooting again. The Brits were flooding over our house like a tsunami.
"Jenn, we have to get out if here!!!" My mother grumbled and we grabbed all we could, and we ran.

I felt tears well up in my eyes. Texas... my home sweet home...

Mom looked over at me. "Ashley? Are you crying?"
I looked up at her in shock, wiping my tears quickly. "N-no way!" She smiled sadly, putting a hand on my shoulder. "It's ok to cry sometimes..." I shrugged it off, my regular face appearing.
"I wasn't crying, ok?" My mother frowned and turned away from me, leaving me alone.

After a couple of hours of sitting there in pain, I decided to explore. I climbed up a tall tree, looking at my surroundings. A spotted a gray outline and realized it was Waffle, with Yoyo and Jackson following.
I smiled at the return of my pets. I jumped down and walked to the edge of the clearing and walking over to my cats. I dropped to my knees and hugged my cats. I was worried I would never see them. "Thank God you three are okay..." Waffle purred at me, then turned to Yoyo, who pulled the cooler from behind the bushes.
I smirked. "Good girl." I pet the cats' heads and Yoyo licked my face as I sat up. I smiled, laughing softly.
I looked over at Mom and Dad. "We got enough food to last us a few months. Don't waste a single bite." Dad grinned.
"I'm supposed to tell you these things."
I raised an eyebrow. "Well... Let's dig in!" They all nodded as we reached into the treasure chest of goods.
We feasted well that night.

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