Chapter Nine

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Kate's Pov

The Saturday after I got out of hospital was meant to be the day that was dedicated to us all getting to know each, but that was cancelled. It had started off on Friday at lunch time. I was sat in my wheel chair that I had about two more weeks in, and Rick was staring off to the side where Carmen was. 

" Ask her." Frank said.

I had a feeling what was going to happen, but not really having bonded with anyone but Floss and Mo and Harry as well as Rick, I wasn't going to take sides with where this inevitably was going to end up. I didn't want to be caught in the lash if they did break up, and even if they did on good terms, some of the others may still be peed off by it.

" Kate want to hang out with Tyler and I?" Rick asked.

I shook my head. He nodded before departing with a wave. I smiled to myself, rolling into the room that I was staying in until I was properly better. I plugged my earphones in, sighing as the music washed over me.

I was really tempted to sing at the top of my voice, but I couldn't find it within myself to actually do it. I just listened to my songs know what you did in the dark (light em up) on loop for hours. Eyes closed, doing nothing but listening, so I was able fully absorb the music.

I didn't hear the knock on my door, or see the person standing over me. I had my eyes closed and I was fully happy just laying where I was for the end of time. No more trouble, no more worries, just me, Fall out boy and their music and sometimes Harry Potter books. It was the life and nothing could be better surely?

I felt someone shaking me, my eyes flicked open, and I backed into the corner, not wanting to show disobedience. Mother had always hated that, but when I was too obedient she hated that too.

" Kate, hey, hey it's fine, it's just me." I looked up to see Tyler.

I ever so slowly uncurled myself. He smled at me, offering me a hand to help manoeuver me into my wheelchair. I took it gratefully. He carefully helped me into it, despite being so much younger than me. He was taller though. 

" It's dinner, want to hang out tomorrow? We could go into town."

" I guess." I said smiling.

" Great, I'll wheel you there. It'll be fun, also the social worker brought your money from home, and as you no longer have to pay the rent of by your own food, we could go on a shopping spree, I've been saving up for a while." He said grinning.

" Sounds fun. I've only been into town once with Mike."

" Well then, I think it is time for me to show you where to go! Also, did Mike tell you that you have over £2000 pounds!" Tyler told me.

" I know. Mum would sometimes leave money for food, and I bought the cheapest things, so if she forgot at any point I'd have some food."

" Well you don't have to worry about that now. Also I got Mike to get the camera out."

" Why?"

" Well you haven't had proper photos for ages, so I thought if we buy you a photo album, working together we can make you some happy memories to go into the album."

" That sounds amazing."

" I pride myself on this one idea."

" Good on you, and now I am hungry, so lets go!"

" Of course fair sibling." He joked.

I smiled.

Tyler and I sat next to each other in the kitchen, talking about what was going to happen tomorrow. I couldn't wait. Tyler and I had hung out together a few times, and he seemed okay.  I wanted to get to know him better. If the people in the house were going to become my family, then surely I should get to know them.

The next morning I was looking forward to the day. Tyler and I set off from the dumping ground at ten. He was wheeling me down the street when a rock hit me. It hit me in the side of the head. I swung my head around, as did Tyler, and yet no one was there. We passed it off as idiots. We carried on.

" I can wheel myself you know Tyler."

" I know, but it will make your arms really tired."

" But..."

" Let me push you." He said in a final sort of voice.

" Fine."

We continued chatting happily as we made our way to the shopping centre. There was rather a lot I really wanted to buy. I could afford it, as most of my money was in the bank I had managed to get Mils to make me before she left. I just had the credit card in my pocket.

" Where to first?"

" Erm HMV?"

" Why of course."

We got into the shop, and I flicked through the posters, grabbed some cd's that I liked. For some reason, I had a really weird music taste. I loved Panic!At the disco, FOB, MCR, Paramore, but then I could go to liking the songs youtubers wrote, and Lucy Spraggen, Ed Sheeran, One Direction and Olly Murs.

" Weird music choices." He commented.

" Yeah. Want a cd on me?" I asked.

" Na I'm alright." 

" You sure?"

" Yeah, I have a fair bit of money myself."

" Okay, I'm going to get some dvds as well, do you want to come with me?"

" Yeah okay." 

We rolled or walked towards the dvd section, and I wanted a lot of the dvds. In the end I bought twelve. The perks of being a wallflower and more. We then went to the build a bear workshop, I made a Harry Potter bear, and Tyler made one of him and simply named it mini me.

We checked our watches, and it was getting late ish. Not late, but time for lunch. 

" Where do you want to go for it?" Tyler asked.

" There's a food place over there. It's pretty empty."

" Alright then."

He rolled me towards it, and I passed him the money, and he went to go and grab the food after I told him to get me a chicken salad sandwich and a brownie as well as some pineapple juice. I relaxed,

" You little bitch."

I turned, and she was there. She slapped me, her ring cutting into the side of my face. I let out a shocked gasp.

She hit me again and again, as I curled in on myself as best I was able to do.

" HEY!" Someone shouted.

An old woman made her way up to us, and pushed my mother back from me.

" Who do you think you are?" The woman shouted.

" Her mother! She deserves it! This little cow!"

" HEY!" Tyler screamed running over, finally realising that there had been a commotion.

" Kate, Kate are you okay?" He asked kneeling down in front of me.

I didn't say anything. The shop owners seemed to have called the police. She sent me another dirty look, and she fled. The woman was fussing over us.

" She's not going to hurt you when you go home?" She asked me.

I didn't reply.

" She lives in the care home with me." Tyler said.

" Are you okay to get back?" She asked.

" We'll be fine."

" The police might pop around to speak to Kate, but apart from that..." The owner of the shop said.

" Okay." Tyler said beginning to wheel me off.

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