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Big thanks to SakuraHayasaki they commented the ideas for dinner. Go read their comment on the noodle flipping, best explanation on how you accidently flip a noodle XD
(It really is amazing)
They also really really helped me out so frigging writing this, thank you so much (again)

Also, thanks to all of you who helped when I asked how to do angst on the one shot book.

(I dunno what I'm doing)

I shall now be trying to write angst, bear with me.

TW: mentions of blood, crying, flashbacks to abuse, swearing,
If I need to mention anything else up here, please let me know.

I apologise if I got the reactions wrong, I am no expert on this.

Making sure he closed the bathroom door, Virgil made his way down stairs, taking a deep breath before entering the room.

"Hey kiddo" Patton greeted him and gestured towards the table, were the food was standing ready, "take a seat, Logan'll be here in a minute"

Virgil fidgeted with his sleeves as he took a seat at the table. He could do this, he had done it before today, he could do it again.

He let his eyes wander around the room, trying to destract himself and noticed something with Patton.

"You, you were serious about the team puppie t-shirts?" Virgil asked, staring at Patton's t-shirt.

He didn't mean to be rude, but instead of the plain blue t-shirt, he was now wearing a darker blue t-shirts with the words 'team puppies' and a pictue of a puppie.

"Yup"  Patton said, "Logan has one too"

"Incorrect, mine says 'team space' and has stars" Logan said while walking into the room.
He indeed was wearing a dark t-shirt with stars and 'team space', no necktie this time.

"I can't believe you actually have those" Virgil stared at them,
"I don't think I know any other adults that have an ongoing argument about space and puppies and made t-shirts about it"

"Well, they do say gay people are more over the the top" Patton sat down on the chair at the head of the table, Logan sitting down next to him, across Virgil.

"No, I think that it is the fact that you get very excited about puppies" Logan commented, "or any other baby animal. I don't think anyone else makes t-shirts"

"But the t-shirts are cool!" Patton protested and put some noodles and sauce on his plate, doing the same for Virgil, "and you can't say otherwise because you are wearing yours right now"

"I suppose" Logan shrugged and took a bite, "it tastes really nice Patton"

"Thanks hun" Patton said and started to eat as well, making the room go quiet. The only sound that was heard was the scratching of forks and knives on plates.

Virgil was carefully watching the two grown ups in the room as pushed around the food on his plate, he wasn't hungry.

It wasn't that he didn't like the food, I mean, who doesn't like spaghetti or any kind of pasta, but he just wasn't hungry.
He was exhausted from today, so many new things had happned.

He put his fork on the end of a noodle and started to twirl it, making it so that the noodle went around the fork.

Seeing this, Virgil thought about how it would look like a helicopter if he held it upside down.

So why not try it?

He turned the fork around and started to spin, making the noodle go round and it indeed did look like a helicopter.

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