The Ex-Files

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A few weeks had passed, and Tracey had fallen hard for Mike Nesmith. Ever since Micky's dinner party, they had become closer, spending every night together, cooking dinner together, making love every night. They were even writing songs together.

Tracey truly inspired Mike in a way no other woman ever did. He saw a life without The Monkees finally, and his songwriting took off because of her. She was more than a lover to him, she was becoming a close confidant, a best friend. He felt he could tell her anything, and she wouldn't judge. She supported his decision to leave The Monkees, and he supported her songwriting and gave her tips on how to become a better performer. He knew it had only been a few short weeks, but they had been some of the best weeks of his life.

Mike and Tracey were soon becoming known as a couple around town, and word of their relationship was received by her ex, Joe. After leaving Tracey, Joe thought his life with Samantha would be better, but he started seeing her true colors. He missed Tracey, and he knew he fucked up. He wanted her back, and hearing the news about her and a new guy already sent Joe into a fury. He started asking people around his set if they knew Mike, and he was desperate to find out any dirt on him in order to get Tracey to stop seeing him.

Tracey was rehearsing at The Troub when she was told by the bartender she had a call. It was around 3pm, Mike was across town working in the studio with Micky, and she thought it was maybe Mike calling to see if she wanted him to pick her up something for dinner.

"Heeyyy..." Tracey said in a sexy voice.

"Hey, it's me," Joe said, softly.

Tracey's head felt like it almost spun off of her body. She, of course, knew that voice. And it made her sick.

"Joe, why are you calling me here?" Tracey said, the anger in her making her raise her voice.

"I want to see you. Now. When are you done over there?" Joe said, trying to order her around.

"Well, that's funny, because I don't want to see you!" Tracey yelled, her whole body trembling.

"Oh, I see! Is he there?!" Joe asked excitedly, emphasizing "he."

"It's none of your business who is here! And what do you mean 'is he' there?"

"Oh, just your new boyfriend, Mike," Joe said, sounding upset.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Joe. And even if he were my boyfriend, it's none of your damn business, because you fucking left me!" Tracey said, screaming now into the phone, and slamming the phone onto the receiver.

The whole bar went silent. Thankfully it was only the bartender, the sound check guy, Pete, and their guitar player, Jerry.

Tracey ran to the bathroom, splashed cold water on her face, and yelled out "Fuck!"

She had hoped no one heard her.

She walked back out to the stage, Pete walked up to her and gave her a hug.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to call Mike?" Pete whispered to her as he held her.

Tracey was so shaken up, just hearing Joe's voice was enough to ruin her day. She didn't want Mike to know he had upset her so much, and she was afraid to tell him. She didn't want him involved with her messy break-up.

"No, it's okay," Tracey said as she pulled away from Pete, wiping tears from her face.

"Why don't you go take a walk," Pete said.

Tracey stepped out of the bar, feeling exhausted and dizzy, she didn't know what to do, or how to feel. She was so angry with Joe. He was a liar and a cheater. 'Why was he upset with her dating Mike? Was it because he wasn't happy?' she thought.

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