Magic 8-ball (Connor x Evan)

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It was a blazing hot day and everything felt hazy. The sun burned bright and no breeze blew into Evan's despite all the windows being open. Ahhh, summer. Evan's favorite time of year. No school, and Connor, his boyfriend, would visit his house everyday.

"Fuck this man. I can buy you an air conditioner." Connor said leaning  against Evan's bed frame as they sat on the floor. His brown, messy hair, that usually went down to his shoulders, was tied up in a tight bun with smalls wisps sticking out here and there. Connor was fanning himself with his notebook and despite complaining about the temperature, Connor still wore a hoodie and all black clothes.

"Like I always say, no. If you're so hot lets go to your place." Evan suggested.

Connor shook his head, "absolutely not."

"Well take off your hoodie then. I'll lend you some shorts too," Evan said. Connor shook his head again.

"I look good in black and I'm willing to suffer."

"Doesn't sound like it."

"Shut up Hansen," Connor laughed, "we need something to distract ourselves from the heat."

"I have some books on trees-" Evan started, Connor cut him off.

"I swear you would marry a tree if you could." Connor laughed again. Evan smiled and shook his head.

"We could always do our summer homework-"

"Nooooo," Connor whined, he lay down on the floor. "Let's go to seven eleven. They have AC and slushies there. We get something to do and we get cool in the process."

"Can't. mom won't let me borrow the car anymore after Jared crashed it." Evan told him as he brought his knees to his chest, smiling as if he was fond of the memory.

"Ughh, Jared. I don't understand why you hang out with him." Connor groaned.

"Shut up, You two are like best friends." Evan said. Connor smirked as he layed his head onto Evan's lap. Evan began to play with his hair.

"How about we walk then?" He asked.

"Do you really want to walk five miles in this weather?" Evan replied.

"" Connor said. Evan smirked, looking around his room for something to do. His eyes stopped on something under his bed. He scrambled up from his sitting position, causing Connor to hit his head on the floor, apologized, and ran to get it.

"What? What is it?" Connor asked as he sat up. Evan walked back with something in his hands Connor recognized to be a magic 8-ball. "You made me hit my head for that?"

Evan ignored that remark.

"I used to love this when I was little! I thought I lost it but it was under my bed all these years! Who would've thought!" He laughed. Connor could tell how ecstatic the boy was from how his eyes lit up and he laughed as he sat at down again. Evan handed the ball the Connor.

"Really, Evan?" Connor smirked. Evan nodded happily and waited for Connor to ask a question. "Fine. Will Evan Hansen ever buy an air conditioner?"

He shook the ball.

"Don't count on it." Connor read. He whipped around to stare at Evan through squinted eyes who just laughed and took the 8-Ball back.

"Umm, will Connor ever stop complaining about the heat when he literally only wears black?" He shook the ball. 'Signs point to yes' it read. Connor scoffed and made an offended face. Evan laughed.

"This thing hates me." Connor said angrily  as he took the ball back. "Will this heat wave end soon?" He shook it. 'Very doubtful'. "OH FOR FUCKS SAKE."

"Shhh, Connor." Evan said, he was howling from laughter, "my mom is sleeping."

He took the ball back, "what should I ask?" Connor shrugged and closed his eyes as he meant against the headboard again. Evan stayed quiet for a moment until he thought Connor had fallen asleep. "Will Connor and I stay together forever?"

The question caught Connor's attention and he peeked an eye open slightly. Evan cringed at how obsessive the question seemed.

Connor read what that 8-ball had said. 'Without a doubt'. He could see Evan smile slightly at the answer before setting the ball down and turning to rest his head on Connor's lap this time. Connor shut his eyes tight.


Connor was the first to wake up. He looked around the room to see the magic 8-Ball discarded into a corner of the room and Evan smiling happily as he slept. It wasn't as hot now considering the sun was starting to set. Connor cursed.

He stood up, gently setting his boyfriend's head onto the floor. He scribbled a letter onto a post-it note explaining that he had to leave and would be back later with the car if Evan still wanted to go to 7-11.

Connor planted and kiss onto Evan's cheek and bustled out the door, saying goodbye Heidi as he ran out.


Evan woke up a few moment later to the hard floor when he had expected Connor to be there. He pouted and sat up. The post it note Connor had left was stuck on the ground next to Evan, he picked it up.

Sorry, I had to run. Told mom I would be back by 6:00 and it was 7:00. I should be back in a few with the car so we can head to sev ellev. See you later, love you :) <3

Evan smiled and set the note down. He decided to go and sit outside to wait for Connor.


Twenty minutes had passed and Evan noticed Connor's car rounding the street corner. He jumped up and began to run so he could meet his boyfriend half way.

Connor noticed this and sped up the car as if he were challenging Evan. Evan noticed as well and increased his pace.

"What took you so long?" Evan panted as he approached Connor.

"I had some errands to run." Connor answered, he looked away as he said this, which Evan found a little weird. "C'mon, hop in. To 7-11 we go!"


They spent the next hour and a half driving too and from seven eleven. They went back to Connor's place instead of Evan's, since Connor was sick of the constant heat. Even if it was dark out.

They watched movies into the night before Evan decided it was getting late and stood up to leave. Connor stood up too.

Connor was sweating even with his Air Conditioner on full blast and he was fidgeting. Despite all the times Evan had asked if the boy was all right, Connor just shrugged it off and told Evan not to worry.

"Good night, I love you,"Evan said, he kissed Connor and backed away to leave. Connor grabbed his hand.

"Evan wait." Connor told him. Evan stopped and looked back at the brunette.

"Yes?" Evan raised an eyebrow. Connor let out and breath and squeezed Evan's hand tighter.

"Well it's just that earlier I heard what you had asked the 8-ball when you thought I was asleep." Evans face turned red.

"I- I'm sorry if that was weird-"

"I'm not done," he smiled at Evan. "And I thought 'I do want to spend the rest of my life with you so-" he got down on one knee and brought a box out of his hoodie pocket, "will you be my player 2?"

Evan's eyes blurred and his face got redder. He started to sob. Full on, ugly, wake up the whole house, sob.

"Yes!" He laughed. Connor stood up and hugged Evan, the kissed him.

"What's going on down here?" The lights were flicked on and Cynthia stood there. She wore a robe over her pajamas and it was clear she didn't want to wake up.

"We're engaged." Connor told her. Her eyes immediately lit up as she called for her husband and Zoe to come downstairs.

Lmao I wrote this at 3 am and edited it in five minutes, enjoy! Feel free to leave requests!!

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