War Table Talks

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Title: War Table Talks

Pairings: -

Fandom: Dragon Age

Summary: The Advisors bring up a recent even to Ayla

Rating: PG

Warnings: -

Notes: -


Ayla stares down at the War Table, looking at the available missions on the map of Orlais and Ferelden. The Advisors work on reports and there is a comfortable silence.

Until Leliana speaks, "I heard the weirdest thing earlier today," she starts, "Sera was in the tavern, telling Bull about how you let her kick in a Noble's face,"

This catches everyone's attention and their gazes turn to Ayla, whose eyes remain on the map.

"A noble, Inquisitor?" Josephine asks, eyes widen in shock and Ayla finally looks up.

"The Noble was annoying me," she says, with a causal shrug, "he also attacked Sera's friends,"

"But..." Josephine says, still shocked, "That....what will other Nobles say! This could damage the Inquisition's reputation! Inquisitor!" Josephine now fixes her glare at Ayla.

"Ayla..." Cullen says softly, looking at her with a worried look on his face. Ayla looks over at him and sighs, looking down at the floor.

"The Noble reminded me of my father," she admits, voice almost a whisper, "his arrogance and high ego just rubbed me the wrong way and I didn't want another man in the world that is as selfish and arrogant as my father,"

Everyone is silent. No one knew much of Ayla's past, not to mention the Inquisitor's family. Many have questions of that subject, but Ayla avoided talking about them. Now the advisors know a bit about her past.

"I'm...I'm sorry, Inquisitor," Josephine says softly, avoiding Ayla's gaze, "I...I didn't know,"

"It's alright," Ayla says with a small smile, "I don't like talking about my family. It brings back bad memories,"

Leliana nods while Cullen stares at Ayla, "it's understandable," Leliana says with a nod, "tell us when you're ready and if you want to,"

Ayla smiles, returning the nod; a sign of respect in her eyes, "thank you," she says, "now, let's talk about what to do with the Venatori in the Western Approach,"

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