I Feel Everything

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Amelia picked up her mobile phone, holding it to her ear. She didn’t need to check the caller I.D to know that it was Mycroft, “He’s on his way.” The oldest Holmes said to his colleague, “Have you found anything?”

“No.” Amelia said with a loud sigh. She and the others—mostly John—had searched the flat for Sherlock’s hidden stash of cigarettes. Amelia knew where Sherlock had hidden them but chose to remain silent as watching John search for Sherlock’s stash was far too amusing, “Did he take the cigarette?”


“Shit.” Amelia cursed. She knew Sherlock hadn’t taken her car and started to estimate how long it would take Sherlock to return to 221B. She quickly figured it out and looked to Mrs. Hudson, “He’s coming. Ten minutes.”

“There’s nothing in the bedroom.” She informed.

“Looks like he’s clean. For once.” Amelia said in surprise, “We’ve—well, they’ve tried all the usual places. Are you sure tonight’s a danger night?”

“No,” Mycroft admitted, “but then I never am. You have to stay with him, Amelia.”

“I’ve got plans.” Amelia mumbled, “You wanted me to come into work.”

“No.” Mycroft said simply, “He needs you. And quite frankly, you need him as well.”

“Mycroft.” Amelia said as Mycroft hung up her, “Myc—fucking hell!” She threw her mobile down on the ground in her anger, frustrated with him. Mycroft may’ve been politer than his brother but Amelia still found him incredibly annoying.

“I am really sorry.” John apologized, sitting down next to his girlfriend in an attempt to avoid the impending conversation with his sister.

“You know, my friends are so wrong about you.” Jeanette said tearfully.

How pitiful. Amelia thought with distaste. The night seemed to have gotten to Jeanette as she wasn’t taking it well. Amelia really didn’t understand why Jeanette was reacting this way. It wasn’t like they’d witnessed a murder. All they found was the phone of a dead woman and searched the flat for cigarettes.

“Hmm?” John said in confusion, raising his eyebrow at his girlfriend.

“You’re a great boyfriend.” Jeanette continued.

“Okay, that’s good.” John said, relieved, “I mean, I always thought I was great.”

“And Sherlock Holmes is a very lucky man.” Jeanette said sadly.

Amelia let out a loud snort, realizing where Jeanette was headed. She covered her mouth with her hand, flushing red. She wasn’t quite sure as to why most people thought John and Sherlock were together. As far as she knew, neither of them were gay nor bi.

“Jeanette, please.” John groaned.

“No, I mean it.” Jeanette said bitterly, pulling her shoes on. “It’s heart-warming. You’ll do anything for him—and he can’t even tell your girlfriends apart.”

“Because in the grand scheme of things you’re really quite insignificant.” Amelia said pointedly, rolling her eyes as Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, Molly and John shot her a glare. Despite this, Amelia continued on, “And you’re really not that memorable.”

“Ames!” John hissed, chasing after his girlfriend as she headed to the door, pulling her coat on while she did so. “No, I’ll do anything for you. Just tell me what it is I’m not doing. Tell me!”

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