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        I dedicate this book to my best friend, for without her, this would never have happened. It was her that I turned to at ungodly hours in the morning, complaining about my lack of motivation for this story which she'd promptly reprimand me about how this was my idea and I had to see it through without ask what on Earth I was doing, trying to write before the sun had risen and before I'd gotten my first cup of tea. She was - and still is - the one who brings me back to reality, especially before I fall down the stairs while I've got my nose in a book. I'm sure I would've cracked my skull ten times over by now, if it weren't for her.

And of course, this is dedicated to each and every single one of you because if you didn't exist, the tales of Amelia Watson would've ended up on the metaphorical shelf inside my head alongside the other stories that never got completed, all of them gathering dust.

Your ever-thankful author,

~Kamilla Thierry.

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