Chapter Seventeen: Distraction Over

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Dedicated to @DevilsWear_Westwood


"The missile defence plans haven't left the country, otherwise Mycroft's people, and our lovely Amelia here," Sherlock's tone was condescending and sarcastic, "would have heard about it. Despite what people think, we do still have a Secret Service."

"Yeah, I know." Amelia said sarcastically, "I've met them."

"Which means whoever stole the memory stick can't sell it or doesn't know what to do with it." Sherlock continued, shooting Amelia a glare. "My money's on the latter. We're here."

Joe's home was extravagant in no way; run down and unkempt, with the bricks coming loose from its mortar, with the rain gutter unsecured-Amelia was half-worried it would fly off in the wind. Sherlock stared at Amelia for a moment, as if he were impatiently waiting for her to do something. It was then that Amelia realised that was precisely what Sherlock was waiting for.

With a great sigh, Amelia pulled out the lock-picking kit she had bought a few months prior, then attempted to get the door open.

"Where?" asked John. He then noticed what Amelia was doing, "Amelia! What if there's someone in?"

"There isn't. Don't be absurd."

"Jesus!" John said as if he couldn't possibly believe what his sister was doing, but in reality this was an all too common occurrence. Nevertheless, he still followed Sherlock and Amelia in as she managed to get the door open.

Amelia walked up the stairs and into the living room, making certain that Joe was no home. Her hand rested on her hip, where she hid her favourite Beretta; ready to pull it out at any time.

"Where are we?" John said, confused.

"Oh, sorry, didn't I say?" Sherlock said. "Joe Harrison's flat."


Amelia ignored the two of them, walking to the window and pulling back to curtain. She smiled at the view the window looked out over, her suspicions confirmed. She turned back to face them, "Brother of West's fiancée. He stole the memory stick, killed his prospective brother-in-law." Amelia frowned, "Weren't you going to take me to see your parents today, Sher?"

"Mm," Sherlock hummed vaguely, taking out his collapsible magnifying glass, examining the window sill where dark specks of red dotted the white paint.

"Then why'd he do it?" John said, raising an eyebrow.

"Isn't that always the question?" Amelia said, straightening as she heard the front door unlock. "Let's ask him." She took out a knife from the waistband of her trousers, handing it to John before pulling out her pistol.

"My God," He said quietly. "How many weapons do you carry?"

"I lost count." Amelia answered simply, stepping out onto the landing. Her gaze fell upon Joe, wearing his courier gear. Joe's eyes widened, starting to pick up his bike as if he were to use it against her. Amelia aimed the pistol at him, finger hovering over the trigger. "Don't. Just... Don't. I've killed a lot of people, I'm not afraid to add another to that list."

Joe set down the bike, then raised his hands above his head.

"It wasn't meant to-" Joe started a while later, head between his hands. His voice trembled as he spoke, threatening to crack as the sobs began to wrack his body. "God, what's Lucy going to say? Jesus."

"Why did you kill him?" Amelia asked emotionlessly. Her grey eyes regarded Joe coldly, and she seemed bored by the entire ordeal. It was almost as if this were nothing more than a bump in the road, and she had far more important things to do. It wasn't entirely a bad change however, at least it wasn't in Sherlock's opinion. If anything, the change in her demeanour made her all the more interesting.

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