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~Scotland Yard~

Greg Lestrade sat before the Chief Superintendent, Anderson and Donovan standing close by. The Chief, walked round his desk and took a seat. Lestrade wrinkled his nose in discomfort, feeling guilty that he, Donovan and Anderson had ratted out Sherlock and Amelia.

“Sherlock Holmes and Amelia Watson?” The Superintendent repeated slowly.

“Yes, sir.” Lestrade confirmed with a sharp nod.

“That bloke that’s been in the press and his…um…secretary?” The superintendent asked for clarification, watching Lestrade carefully with his narrowed eyes.

“Mhm.” Lestrade said with another nod, “Although she’s actually the National Security Advisor for MI6.”

“I thought he was some sort of private eye.” The Superintendent said suspiciously.

He is. She isn’t.” Lestrade, stressing his words. Sweat beaded on his forehead in his worry, and he chewed the inside of his lip to keep himself calm.

“We’ve been consulting with them—that’s what you’’re telling me?” The Superintendent asked, Lestrade unable to do anything but nod meekly. “Not used him on any proper cases, though, have we?”

“Well, one or two.” Lestrade lied.

Anderson snorted softly and looked down at his feet. “Or twenty or thirty.” He muttered softly.

“What?!” The Superintendent shouted in shock.

“Look, I’m not the only senior officer who did this. Gregson—” Lestrade protested quickly.

“Shut up!” The Superintendent interrupted sharply, “An amateur detective given access to all sorts of classified information, and now he’s a suspect in a case! I’m not going to even get started on letting the National Security Advisor do our work for us!”

“With all due respect, sir, it’s not her day job—” Lestrade started.

“You’re a bloody idiot, Lestrade!” The Superintendent yelled, “Now go and fetch them in right now!” Lestrade hesitated, only making the Superintendent sternly say, “Do it.”

Lestrade frowned, standing up and leaving the room with Anderson and Donovan, “Are you proud of yourselves?” Lestrade hissed, angry that the three of them had betrayed Amelia and Sherlock.

“Well, what if it’s not just this case? What if he’s done this to us every single time?” Anderson questioned, not hiding his hatred for the consulting detective.

As he grabbed his coat, Lestrade stopped, taking out his phone and called a number. A number which could give Amelia and Sherlock a fighting chance.


John lowered his mobile phone from his ear and switched it off. He turned to Amelia and Sherlock who were both sitting in their chairs, Amelia plucking the strings of her violin. “So, still got some friends on the Force.” He said to Sherlock who was well aware that most people on the force hated him, “It’s Lestrade. Says they’re all coming over here right now, queuing up to slap on the handcuffs: every single officer you ever made feel like a tit, which is a lot of people.”

Sherlock paid him no heed.

Mrs. Hudson knocked on the door, frowning at the tension in the room, “Oh, sorry, am I interrupting?” Sherlock rolled his eyes dramatically and look away. Mrs. Hudson turned to John and Amelia, “Some chap delivered a parcel. I forgot. Marked ‘Perishable.’ I had to sign for it.”

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