Richard Brook

26.4K 911 344


“Take my hand.” Sherlock ordered as they ran down a nearby alleyway, sprinting furiously, “Both of you, now.”

“Now people will definitely talk.” John said, laughing weakly as they heard sirens approaching at the junction before them. Sherlock turned sharply to his left, dropping the pistol in the process. It clattered to the ground loudly. “The gun!”

“Leave it!” Amelia ordered as Sherlock dragged her and John down a side alley.

Sherlock and the trio approached a meter high railing which blocked their way. Sherlock and Amelia leapt up onto the top of the nearby dustbins with ease, vaulting over the top of the railing. John, unused to such activities, struggled to follow them and was left behind, his hand caught over the railing and his face pressed into the metal bars.

“Sherlock, Amy, wait!” John demanded, reaching through the railing with his free hand and grabbing Sherlock’s coat which dragged him closer towards the short blogger. “We’re going to need to coordinate.”

“Go to your right.” Sherlock instructed, looking around wildly.

“Huh?” John said quizzically.

Go to your right.” Sherlock repeated.


“Everybody wants to believe it—that’s what makes it so clever.” Sherlock explained, looking to John, “A lie that’s preferable to the truth.” He turned away bitterly, “All my brilliant deductions were just a sham. No one feels inadequate—Sherlock Holmes is just an ordinary man.”

“What about Mycroft?” Amelia suggested, taking a hairpin from her hair and starting to pick the cuff keeping Sherlock and Amelia together. “He could help us.” She groaned as Sherlock dragged her and John to the other side of the alley they were in using her free hand to whack her fiancé.

“A big family reconciliation?” Sherlock said in amusement, “Now’s not really the moment.” He spun around in a circle, Amelia nearly dropping the hair pin she had in her grasp.

“Sher-Sherlock.” John said, elbowing Sherlock in the side to turn the consulting detective in the direction he was facing. “We’re being followed. I knew we couldn’t outrun the police.”

“That’s not the police.” Amelia murmured as the cuff dropped from her and Sherlock’s wrist and fell to the ground. Then louder, “It’s one of my new neighbours from Baker Street. Let’s see if he can give us some answers.” She ran down the street, Sherlock letting out a heavy sigh and following her, dragging a reluctant John.

Amelia stopped the trio as they reached the corner, peeking around the corner to check for the police. Seeing that the street was clear excluding a double decker bus headed to Baker Street Station which was quickly approaching. Amelia smirked to herself and pressed against the wall of the alley once again.

“Where are we going?” John asked, slightly out of breath.

Amelia looked to Sherlock who nodded slightly, signifying his approval of her plan. Turning back to John, Amelia grinned, “We’re going to jump in front of that bus.”


But Amelia had already run into the street, Sherlock going after her and dragging John behind him. Just as Sherlock and Amelia had stepped out into the road, the assassin sprinted after the two of them. Amelia stopped shortly in front of the bus, Sherlock and John standing next to her, none of them moving. The assassin charged into the road, throwing Amelia, Sherlock and John out of the way.

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