The Final Note

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Hello, old friend, and here we are. You and me, on the last page. What a wonderfully terrible quote to start the final author's note of Brilliant. Gosh, I don't know what to say. This has been a thrilling rollercoaster ride of a story, and I enjoyed writing this to an extent that you do not understand. I decided not to include the bonus chapter as I felt like Sherlock was too OOC.

So know that Amelia, John and Sherlock will return soon. Sometimes I do worry about you, though, my dear reader.  I feel as if you've grown as attached to these characters as I have, and I know many of you have become all out obsessed with shipping the characters.

Now this author's note-excluding the introduction above-will contain three parts, so please bear with me.

Okay, so I got a question asking what my favourite part of writing Brilliant was. Hm...that answer is quite difficult. I'd either have to say all the Irene/Amelia scenes as they're both quite similar and having them insult and bounce ideas off each other was quite fun to write or the James/Amelia scenes because of all their bickering. Especially when Moriarty visits 221B and Amelia threatens to kick him where it hurts because Moriarty's being an idiot. Correction, all of the Reichenbach Fall was fun to write.

Second part, I want to give a shout out to the people who helped me the most on this journey.
@GINALEXY1 for all her amazing comments and her support.

@Renner_Addict135 because she's amazing, I love her stories, and her support for this story is unbelievable. all know that I love her dearly since you've seen all my other author's notes about her.

@JustHandMeTheBook because I think she is one of the hardest Mormelia shippers out there, and her comments make my day and she's a fellow Canadian (anyone else out there Canadian too?)

@superwholockain because she makes my smile with her lovely comments.

@DevilsWear_Westwood because a) look at her username b) because she's another hard-core fan and that alone is enough to make me happy.

@animalabbie76 for helping me with my editing; pointing out all my stupid mistakes. Thank you.

@Pingoodle because she's my real-life writing buddy and she's, quite frankly, one of the best people on the planet and is extremely optimistic which makes me wonder how on Earth we get along since I am incredibly pessimistic, although, I suppose we can trace that back to my sociopathic nature.

@KatnissInTraining for being my best friend who somehow managed to put up with me babbling on about Brilliant in all of our classes, and who now ships Sherlia.

And the following people in no particular order: @YoursTrulyTheElement @Luna1624 @Chloe_Cumberbatch @CrystalEmber @lokisarmy12 @dreamergirl98 @ajwebb @Brightsidelsr @DivergentWhoLokiLock @Tardis_at_221 @suicide_ @emilycolette00 @macky01 and you, dear reader, if I missed your name.

Thirdly, and lastly, a sneak peek at Valiant since all of you are anticipating it so much. Keep in mind this is not the full first chapter, just the first scene containing Amelia, Anderson, and Lestrade which completes the gap between the epilogue and Valiant's chapter one. SPOILER ALERT IF YOU DIDN'T ALREADY CATCH THAT!!!

"Bollocks!" yelled Greg Lestrade loudly, holding his coffee cup while glaring at Philip Anderson. Quite frankly, the detective was getting sick of the strange theories the former forensic scientist would not stop babbling about. But even through Lestrade's annoyance, he understood why Anderson thought the ideas up.

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