Chapter 1 - Nameless

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This story wasn't based off of Gossip Girl, but you will see some similarities. Like the setting and some characters. Hope you enjoy (:


I don't know what it is about him. Maybe it was a little bit of everything, or maybe it was nothing. Whatever the case, I'm drawn to him. I couldn't tell you his favorite color or what he likes to do for fun. Hell, I couldn't even tell you his name. But I could tell you that he walks through the halls with such grace and such beauty. I could tell you how captivating his emerald eyes are and how his chestnut curls make you want to run your fingers through them. I could tell you that red lines scar his wrists. I could tell you that he's constantly pulling at his sleeves to cover up what he's done to himself. Despite the bags under his eyes and the constant redness of them, he possesses a certain beauty. A beauty he isn't aware he has. I find myself wondering how someone so beautiful could scar themselves in a way like that. He is tarnishing the beauty he doesn't know he has. But why?

I realize that I'm analyzing a complete stranger, more so than anyone I actually know. I've stolen a few glances at him in the hall over the past week, but this is the first time I've ever really looked at him. He's slouched down in a chair at the public library, gripping a rather large book, determination written across his face.

He must be new here. The first time I saw him was Monday, 3 days ago. Those piercing eyes caught my attention from across the crowded hall. I've been out of the loop these days. I don't know anything about anyone, it seems.

"Earth to Carson," Mels voice sounds from beside me.

"Huh?" I reply, forcing myself to look away from the beautiful boy.

"Have you been listening to anything I've been saying?"

"Of course," I lie. "I've just been preoccupied. This week is hell."

"I know. That's why I need your help, remember? We're supposed to be studying."

This week is exam week. Saying everyone was on edge was a bit of an understatement. Normally it wouldn't be so bad, but we're in one of the most elite private schools in New York City. Constance Billard.

"My mind has just been somewhere else," I shake my head and divert my gaze as far away from the boy as possible.

"I understand, but you can't afford for that to happen. After all that's happened this year, it's a miracle you're even passing."

"Thanks, Mel," I glare.

"Sorry," she mutters. "I know it's been a tough year for you."

"Yeah," I sigh. "Let's just not talk about this please."

"Okay," she quietly agrees. "Coffee break?" She smiles.

"Would you mind picking me up something? I'm going to keep studying seeing as I'm already so behind."

"Of course," she says as she gives me a sympathetic smile.

I hate that she looks at me like that. I hate that everyone treats me different ever since the accident. All the sympathetic looks and quiet whispers are making it impossible for me to try and forget. As much as I would love that, I know I'll never been ever to rid the memory from my mind.

She closes her books before stuffing them in her bag and hurrying towards the door. As soon as I can't see her anymore, I pack my own stuff up and slip my bag over my shoulder. My eyes automatically search for the boy, but the chair he was previously sitting in is empty. My eyes scan the room before they land on chocolate curls in the back corner of the library. I debate on whether or not I should go talk to him, but my thought process is interrupted before I have the chance to decide.

"Hey, Carson," a voice calls from behind me.

I readjust my bag before turning around and facing the voice of the person I would rather not deal with right now.

"Evan," I reply as calmly as I possibly can.

"Long time no talk," he smiles.

"If I recall correctly, there's a reason for that."

"How many times can I apologize for the same damn thing?"

"It doesn't matter how many times you do because it won't take back what happened!" I whisper shout. A few glances are thrown our way, but I ignore them.

"Look," he sighs. "I want things to be the way they were before the accident. I want you to be able to look at me without making that same disgusted face you do every time."

I almost want to laugh, but I'm too angry. I will never forgive him for what he did. Ever.

"I wouldn't count on it," I spit before moving towards the exit.

As soon as I reach the door, Mel walks through with the coffee in her hands.

"Where are you going?" Her eyes are fixed on the person behind me as realization hits her. "Oh," she breathes. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"No," I quickly say. "No. I just want to be alone right now." I begin to walk again, but I feel bad for my rude dismissal. "I'll call you later?" I call back to her.

"Sure," she smiles.

I risk one more glance towards the boy only to find that his eyes are already locked on me. I hold his gaze before he tears his eyes away and walks around the tall bookshelf, disappearing from my view.

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