Chapter 24

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I swallow the food in my mouth with a hard gulp. 

"My mother?" 

Hiromi nods. "Apparently, after the funeral, your mother went for a walk outside. She was disoriented, still upset from her son's death. To ease her pain, she resorted to....other measures. Because if these measures, she was found and thrown in prison. We can bail her out, but even if we did, the killer is still out there, it might be safer to keep her behind bars." 

"What other...measures did she take?" I ask, my voice shaking.

 Hiromi's eyes close as he releases a sigh. "Illegal measures. And by that I mean, drugs." 

I nod slowly and swallow the lump of tears in my throat. "I want to see her." 

"I don't know if that's such a good idea, she won't be herself. What if she tries to hurt you? She doesn't exactly have a perfect mental health record," says Yoru, chiming in. 

I gently pull my hands from Hiromi's and turn to Yoru. 

"She's my mother, Yoru. I need to see her." 

He sighs, clearly reluctant. "Fine, let's go." 

Yoru turns to Hiromi. "You sure this is safe for her?" 

Hiromi nods. "It's fine, besides, if anything happens, we'll be there to protect her. I'll have the servants get the car ready."

 Yoru nods. 

A few moments and a steam bun later, we're in Hiromi's car. Hiromi slips into the driver's seat, while I sit next to Yoru in the back. 

"Are you tired?" Yoru asks me when I've almost nodded off for the third time. 

"No..." I mumble. I feel Yoru's warm hand slide onto my cheek and pull my head towards him until it's resting on his firm shoulder. Not long after, my heavy eyelids close. 

Hiromi's P.O.V...........................

I steal a glance at Kireina's beautiful head resting on Yoru's shoulder. That should be me. Sighing, I pull the car to a stop a few meters away from the prison. "Guys, we're here."

Kireina's P.O.V. 

My eyes flutter open at Hiromi's voice. We all pile out of the car and make our way to the prison. Hiromi comes up behind me and grabs my hand. My eyes widen before shifting to look up at him. He gives a subtle wink before squeezing my hand for reassurance. I give him a weak smile. Yoru holds the door open for us. His actions are polite, but I can clearly see the scowl on his handsome face. Thankfully, Hiromi doesn't notice. 

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