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HEY GUYS! So this is my very first story, so I am sorry if there are a few typos, I tried my best to reread this and make sure it's perfect. I am really excited & I cannot wait for you guys to read this. Now I am warning you, there will be a few saucy parts so if you do not like these kinds of stories, just don't read it, man. It's gonna get pretty dirty up in here. (btw the chapters may be short, but I will post often so don't worry darlings!) SO I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY!! ❤️

As I hopped out of the tree we have been sleeping in for the past few weeks, I stretched and raised my arms to the sky. It felt good to get up and shake out my sleepiness. I stumbled over to a creek down aways from where I was. Walking up to the creek, I looked at my reflection. Man, did my hair look messy. Well, it kinda always does but today it was bad. I bent down and splashed some water on my tired eyes. I looked up and saw someone. They seemed to be hurt. They were walking pretty funny. I decided to yell over to them to see if I could help.

"Excuse me, do you need any help?" I furrowed my brow. The stranger stopped and stood there for a second. They raised their head and sniffed. At that moment, I knew something was wrong..

They turned around and I saw their monstrous, horrid face, their green, pale skin, and right then I could smell their rotten flesh. The zombie groaned angrily at me. I turned and ran as soon as I saw him crossing the creek. I heard him come after me, but I think he might've been running with his friends. I quickly turned my head and I had three of those beasts stumbling towards me.

As I was running like I had done many times before I came upon the tree. I quickly climbed up to where Louis was sleeping soundly. "Lou, wake up!"

He slowly opened one eye. "No, I'm sleeping, Harry." He closed his eye, put his hood on and pulled the strings tightly. You could only see his nose peeking through. I looked down at the ground and there were about 10 zombies surrounding the tree.

"Louis, I'm serious! There's a bunch of zombies!"

He moaned like he was annoyed. "Well what on Earth did you do now?" He pulled his hood away from his face and looked down at the ground. "Well... Looks as though we'll be stuck here for awhile. So enjoy it, Harry." He pulled the strings of his hood again to go back to his slumber.

I wish I wouldn't have done that though. I started thinking back to how this started. I was only about eighteen or so when this all began. No one was really sure how it even began, but man did it leave a huge mark. I got separated from my family and never found them. Only God knows where they are... if they are still here. Maybe they're far gone. But maybe they're just like me. Fighting for my life is all I know anymore. I've almost forgotten what it's like to feel. I decided to not get too much into those kind of thoughts, because if I've learned anything in this it's to not care to much or feel something towards someone. Or else you are gonna wanna help everyone, but you just can't. So of course it was an idiotic move to ask that monster if it needed help. Zombie or not, it was stupid.

After awhile, Louis awoke fully and we started up a conversation.

"So.. What should we do about those guys?" Lou asked me.

"Well all I have is my knife in my backpack. What do you think?"

Louis picked my backpack up off of a branch a little bit higher than the branches we were resting on. he opened the front pocket and took the knife out. "I think I have an idea." He pulled out a cartridge of dental floss.

I laughed. "Now what in gods name do you plan to do with that?"

"Just watch." Louis pulled all of the floss out and slowly stood up. he tied the floss to a branch above us and then at the opposite end of the floss tied the knife to the string.

"Jeez, Lou! You're actually pretty clever." Louis grabbed the knife and tried to position it over the zombies head. he dropped the knife and missed. after about 10 attempts, he finally hit one.

"YES!" He tugged on the knife and it wouldn't come out of the zombies head. "Oh great." He tugged harder and the knife shot out of it's head, and Louis lost control of the string. The knife quickly shot into another ones head. "WOAH! DUDE!!!!"

"That was awesome man!" I asked if I could give it a try. He handed me the string. I pulled it out of the zombies brain gently, yet using force. The knife shot out of it's head but I had control over it. The creature dropped to the forest floor. After about an hour or so, we have killed all of them. We gathered our things and climbed out of the tree to start our daily scavenge. We made out way out of the woods and found rail road tracks.

"Harry.. do you think we should follow this?" Louis questioned me.

"Why? We have it pretty good staying in that tree."

"Well.. what if there's something better out there for us? What if there's others, others that can help us-"

"Louis. We can't trust anybody. It's just you and me now. Okay?" I said sternly.

"Well we can't stay there forever! You know what happens to people that just sit around? They have a higher chance of not surviving. You think we're doing fine now? Well that could totally change by tomorrow. So, it's either you're coming with me or not because I'm going." Louis turned and started walking on the tracks.

I let him walk about 10 feet to see if he would turn around... He didn't. "Aww what the hell." I jogged after him to catch up. He looked at me and smiled. As if though he had just won. "Ya don't get too cocky." We both laughed and walked side by side on the tracks.

We both traveled quite aways. I noticed it was getting dark and we haven't even found a place for us to stay. Louis spotted a rock quarry with what seemed to look like a cave towards the top.

"You good with climbing?" He questioned me. I was never much into heights. They frightened me more than anything. I wouldn't even go on very many amusement park rides as a boy. But I can't help but notice how heavy my eyes feel and how tired my feet are.

"If it means I get to sleep, yes." We turned to the right and walked into a dark forest. The light from the moon lit the way, but barely. After walking a mile or two, we came upon the wall of rocks.

I frowned at the sight and Louis noticed my change in expression. "I'll go first and check it out. Here." He handed me the backpack and I threw it over my shoulder. "If you need anything, just holler." I nodded and he began his climb. He got about halfway up the steep mountain of rocks before cursing out. I saw his foot slip and I jumped in fear. Louis gained his balance and found a place to put his foot.

"You be careful up there, mate." He shook his head up and down at me, assuring he would. He made it the rest of the way up and I heard him gasp.

"Lou?.. Everything alright up there?" I yelled up to him. After a few seconds of him not answering I called his name again. I started to panic and climbed as fast as I could.

Don't look down Harry, don't look down. I reminded myself. I made it all of the way up to the top in a record amount of time. When I got up I pulled myself over the edge and couldn't believe what I saw.

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