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"Harry." A voice says. I pop my head up and see Louis with a big smile on his face. Avery backs away from me and shyly puts her hands behind her back.

"Uhh.. Yeah Lou?" I don't even know what to say to him. I wonder how long he's been standing there. I wouldn't have ever noticed him if he wouldn't have said anything.

"I came out here to see how the fence was coming along. But now I see there is no fence." He has the most biggest smirk on his face that I have ever seen. I hope he's sure satisfied with himself for ruining mine and Avery's k-... well almost kiss. Why did this have to happen now? Dammit Lou.

"Oh my gosh.. Please don't tell anyone!" Avery said in a frightened tone. I shot her a confused look and she caught my stare. Her eyes had an emotion that I couldn't quite identify. Was she hiding me? Was she ashamed of me? She would have some explaining to do.

"Don't worry, your little secret is safe with me." Louis smiled and whispered to her loudly, "This kid hasn't had any action in forever so he's probably pissed at me right now." Avery blushed and covered her mouth trying to cover her giggles. I rolled my eyes at the two.

"Ya, I am pretty pissed." I said, I couldn't help but smile at them. Louis waved goodbye and headed back out of the woods. "I'm really sorry about him, he obviously has nothing better to do other than bother us and ruin.. this." I sat down on the trunk and let out a long sigh. Avery took a seat next to me. She shrugged her small shoulders.

"It's alright, it just startled me I guess. The mood is kinda ruined though." She chuckled and looked over at me. "Well, I guess we better get back." She starts to climb down the side of the tree but I grab her arm. She looks up at me with confused eyes.

"No... Stay please." I plead to her. Avery's face puts on a small yet unsure smile. I pull her up and sit her between my legs so that she is sitting in front of me with her back turned. I put my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. Avery slowly threw her head back and rested it on my shoulder. She looked so peaceful. Her eyes closed and she still had that smile painted on her face. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Her essence pulled me in and wouldn't let go. Her eyes slowly opened and caught me staring at her. I didn't care, my eyes weren't going anywhere else but her.

"Kiss me, Harry." The words left her full lips and my heart skipped a beat. I leaned down and my lips crashed against her. The kiss was so passionate. Possibly one of the best kisses that I have ever experienced. We moved at the same slow pace. Our lips copying each other. She hummed in content as out mouths danced over one another. She was the sweet music to our lips as they swayed and twirled together. I rested my hand on her cheek and moved my arm to her waist, turning her to slightly face me. Once we parted, our breathing was definitely racing faster than before. She smiled and her cheeks were a deep red as she looked down from my gaze.

"Harry, you just might be the most gorgeous man I've ever laid eyes on-"

"Shhh." I hushed her with my lips and kissed her softly. "You don't have to say it. Being here with you is enough for me to feel happy." She beamed up at me. I wish I could take a picture of this. She was amazing.

Her head fell to my chest and she held on to me as her eyes fluttered closed. I sat there holding her for awhile. I glanced down at her and she had fallen asleep. Soft snores were escaping her lips. I grinned down at her.

The sun was falling fast. I didn't know if we had to be back since she freaked out the last time. "Avery.. Avery, sweetheart." I shook her softly. Her eyes slowly opened.

"Hmm?" She hummed.

"The sunset is coming fast. Do we have to leave?" Her eyes shot open. She frantically looked around. "We have to go! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" She jumped off of my lap and onto to the forest floor. "Let's go!" I hopped off too and she started running. I ran behind her. I could not doubt her skills as she dodged trees and boulders. I was impressed by her ability.

"Avery, what's wrong? Why are we running?" As we got halfway out of the woods, the sun had completely fallen and it was pitch black dark.

"Shit! I forgot my fucking backpack! Fuck fuck fuck!" She cursed loudly. So this angel was also a sailor A part of me liked it, liked seeing her frustrated and seeing her short legs stomp the ground in anger. But another part of me loved the innocent Avery. The Avery that wouldn't dare to swear.

"Avery, calm down, we can get it tomorrow." I reached a hand out to comfort her and she took a step back. She bumped into something and we heard a moan. We could see the faint creature in the moonlight and she shrieked. The zombie latched onto her arm and tried to bite her.

"Get off of me, you fucker!" She tried to push the thing away but he wouldn't budge. I grabbed ahold of her other arm and tugged while pushing him to the ground. He released his grip and fell. I pushed Avery away to safety and stomped on the zombies head over and over until the job was done. Avery sniffed the air and began to throw up. She must have a weak stomach. Poor girl.

I rubbed her back and cooed in her ear. "Shh, it's alright. He can't hurt you anymore. He's gone. No one will ever hurt you." When she was done, we stood still, listening in the woods. We heard shuffling of feet and groans from monsters. "Now let's get the fuck out of here." We both started running for the house. We came upon the edge of the woods to the clearing where the house sit. We busted through the door and locked it behind us.

"Maybe... the fence... does need to... be fixed." Avery huffed out in small expressions. I laughed at her joke, flashbacks of our day coming to mind. We were both exhausted from the running. The lights were all out inside the house. They must've all gone to bed. We made out way to the hallway when a light in the living room switched on. Todd was in the rocking chair. He had a stern look on his face.

"So, now you decide to come back?" He questioned us.

"Listen.. I am so so so sorry Todd. I-It won't happen again I promise... Please just... don't be mad at me..." Tears were welling up in Avery's eyes. What had this man done to make her so afraid? I hated him for making her like this.

"Shut up. Harry," he turned to me,"I suggest you get some rest. Now."

"Sir, this is partly my fault. We just lost track of time and-"

"I don't fucking care. Go now." He glared at me, his eyes piercing my soul. I nodded and gave Avery a quick glance. Fear filled her bright hazel eyes. I was scared for her and I don't even know what happens when Todd gets angry. I gave her a sympathetic smile. But she didn't return it.

I found my way to the stair and crawled into bed. Louis and Ricky were fast asleep. I shut my eyes and tried to go to sleep as well. I was too worried about Avery. Just as I was starting to doze off, I heard a scream.


I got out of bed and ran up the staircase. I busted through the basement door and tried to find where the shrieks were coming from. I opened door after door not finding them. But when I ran into the living room, the carpet was folded and there was a closed latch. That's where they had to be. I ran around the couch and to the latch. It was locked and not coming loose. Fuck. I need to get in there. Now.

Ugh cliffhanger. Don't you just hate me right now? Lol, don't worry, I won't always do this. But, don't forget to vote and comment pretty please. You're all amazing. Stay beautiful.

- xoxo jordan k.

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