9: The Talk

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Dedicated to: @ooste123


I wake up and sigh with dread as I realize that I should probably go do the dreaded task. Choosing to delay it as much as possible, I decide to go check up on the whole 'Aiden and Alice' situation. I swiftly swing my legs over the edge of my bed and stand up, stretching my arms above my head. I rub the sleep from my eyes and glance at the time, groaning at how early it is. Knowing that I will not be able to fall asleep again, I reluctantly start my new daily routine. After finishing up, I practically rip my door off of its hinges and silently make my way upstairs, afraid to wake anybody up. I reach Aiden's room and knock twice before retracting my fist, letting it fall to my side. After a few minutes of waiting for him to open the door, I decide to do the logic thing and barge in. He's probably still sleeping or he could be in the shower. As much as he hates it, Aiden is an early bird since he's the head warrior and all. He has to wake up early most days anyway, so it kind of became the norm for him. He dreads ot though, because he can't sleep in even if he tried. He takes a lot of naps during the day though. I walk in and gasp, slapping a hand to my mouth to stiffle the high pitched 'awe' itching to break out at the sight in front of me. Curled up in Aiden's arms, is a sound Alice with her head pressed into his chest. For the first time since I've been here, I see Aiden sleeping in and he has the face of an angel, peace evident in the relaxed muscles on his face. He usually has a scowl or frown upon his face whenever he sleeps and he's told me that it's because of the dreams he has about strategies and the possibilities that could pan out whenever they would use them.

I mentally gush at their cuteness and quickly make my way out of the room so as to not disturb them, silently shutting the door behind me as I tip-toe my way out. Knowing that my next move is the only option I have at this moment and I make a strangled noise as frustration creeps into my mind, siddling alongside dread and annoyance.

I guess I should get 'the talk' with Noah over and done with before I get to find out what exactly lead up to the lovebirds' cuddle-fest. I slowly make my way further up the stairs and knock on Noah's bedroon door. Tired of waiting for him to answer, I try to barge in again, but the door doesn't budge. I sigh and lightly bang my head against the door before turning around and speedily make my way down stairs. Once on the ground floor, I trudge through the lenght of the corridor leading up to Noah's office, staring at the paintings of all the Alphas and Lunas who lead the pack before Noah whilst I silently ponder about how I would approach the obvious subject with him. Deciding it would be better to get this over with, I will not beat around the bush. I will tell him straight and expect nothing less from him. No more mind games.

I take a deep breath to calm my nerves before exhaling all of my stress.

Here goes nothing.

Rachel urges me to raise my fist and just muster up some guts to actually go through with this. I sigh in reluctance and drum my fingers against my thigh as the nerves slowly settle down. I lift my fist and knock three times before letting it drop back to my side. I bounce up and down on the balls of my feet, studying the same carving of the pack of wolves, similiar to the carving on the front door.

I hardly hear the sound of shuffling coming from the otherside, so when the door abruptly swung open, the squeak that came out of me wasn't totally uncalled for.

Oh goddess...

Rachel purrs and I almost choke on my spit at the sight in front of me. I gulp and my eyes widen considerably, slowly raking over the perfectly sculpted chest and abdominal muscles staring back at me. My knees start to shake and I try to discretely grab onto the door frame to balance myself. Noah obviously notices my reaction to his half-nakedness and smirks down at me. It was difficult enough trying to peel my eyes from his torso carved by the goddess herself, now I have to look up to those damned gorgeous green irises of his too. I lick my lips and lightly shake my head to get rid of the images Rachel is forcing into my mind. Noah snaps me out of my reverie by clearing his throat which ultimately results into my cheek shooting past the boiling point of gold. I hate how much he can affect me with a single look or a simple action like taking a step forward.
Getting weak-kneed and blushing profusely was the last thing on my agenda for today and it only reminds us both of the effect we have on each other even though we don't have the mate bond to minipulate it anymore. That thought reminds me that I should probably tell Noah about what Alice had said about witches. We have too much on our plate and witches should be the least of our worries right now.

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