13: Are we ready?

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Dedicated to @cranky123

"Blaze..." Noah's breathless rasp makes my knees go weak and I quickly grab onto his taut shoulders to balance myself. The tense muscles move beneath my shaking fingertips and I meet his gorgeous green eyes with my own blue ones.

"Noah..." I breathe out as well and for a few glorious moments we just stare at each other with so much emotion, I would be crying if it weren't for the overwhelming feeling of happiness coarsing through my body, igniting my skin in electricity.

Our mate bond has grown stronger.

A grin spreads across my face and Noah mirrors my expression. Without even thinking about the consequences, I leap forwards and press my broken lips against Noah's firm ones and we slowly find a rythm. The kiss quickly accelerates into a flurry of passion and deprived need for each other and soon I am a breathless mess. After a few heavenly minutes of just appreciating each other, we slowly break the kiss and Noah leans his forehead against mine. He chuckles lightly and pecks my nose. I release a small giggle of relief and disbelief and I hug him to me. Relief because I can finally kiss Noah without worrying about anything and everything in the world around us and disbelief because of this amazing werewolf in front of me. He pulls me even closer and nuzzles his nose into the crook of my neck.

He's all mine.

And I'm his.

"I have waited so long for you to accept me." Noah breathes and lightly kisses me where his lips brushed against my neck.

"Mark me." I exhale in a breath, my eyes screwed shut in pure blissful ignorance to what I just requested. The muscles beneath my fingertips tense and Noah slowly lifts his head from my shoulder to stare at me with his jade eyes. His eyes slowly darken with an emotion I can't seem to decipher, but Noah pulls me out of my trance before I could figure it out.

"What?" Noah whispers with pure confusion painted on his face, like he doesn't know if he heard me right. The words leave my lips once again without a single thought,

"Mark me." He just stares at me and I move closer, pressing my body against his and lean in to whisper into his ear, my hands resting on his chest where I can feel his erratic heartbeat.
"I asked you to mark me, Noah." I make sure that my lips graze his earlobe with every word and I slightly bend my head down to nip at the skin on his neck where I am supposed to mark him after he marked me.

"Blaze... Mmph..." He cuts himself off with a moan and with his supernatural speed, he pulls us out of the water and lightly presses my back against a tree. I gasp at the sudden movement and clutch at his shoulders to gain my balance, my knees wobbly from the water.
"Are we ready for that?" He mutters and it instantly brings me back into the right state of mind.

Of course we aren't ready for that. Or at least I'm not ready for that. I look up into Noah's eyes before shaking my head 'no'.

"I love you." Noah whispers and pecks my lips before slowly moving away from me and back to our picnic. He plop down onto the spread picnic blanket and pats the seat next him with a goofy grin on his face, like what he just said isn't the biggest news ever. I could have sworn he has said it before, but back then I thought it was meant as a joke.

Back then I didn't recuperate his feelings.

I love Noah.

I love his stupid goofy grin that he is flashing at this moment.

I love how he reserves a certain smirk and a certain smile and even a certain scowl for me.

I love how he still wanted me after everything I out him through and I love how protective or jealous or possesive he can get sometimes.

Flawless In His Eyes {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now