Chapter 11: When the World Starts to Fade

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Chapter 11: When the World Starts to Fade

The blue hedgehog was sitting in a fetal position against his kitchen wall as he kept replaying their whole conversation in his head over and over again.

As if he didn't feel horrible enough already, now Shadow had given him another reason to hate himself. He had been talking to Shadow over the phone and had even begun thinking that maybe it was a good thing that he had run into the black hedgehog in the first place. Sure Shadow had been talking roughly to him but there were moments where he was certain that the ultimate life form had cared to some extent.

He had tried taking him to his apartment; he had even let him stay with him, and had taken the time to look for him just to return his wallet. Because of all of these things, Sonic had believed that the black hedgehog had gotten over it.

Or, at least until the last bits of their conversation.

It had become painstakingly clear that the ultimate life form had not completely been over him stabbing him. Which to Sonic was understandable, he just hadn't expected such a low blow to come from him.

If he told anybody what he had done to him, would they lock him up in the looney bin? Or would he go straight to jail? Would Shadow even bother to tell? Especially if it meant admitting that he had gotten through the 'supposed' ultimate life form's defenses? Although at this point, Sonic was sure that just detailing his hysterics after almost being forced to enter the darkness in his apartment would be enough for Shadow to have him locked up.

The blue hedgehog had always been concerned that eventually someone would see through his smile and see that underneath it was an extremely fucked up individual who had been counting the days until Amy finally came for him. Or, killed him. He realized that she had already been coming for him in his dreams. So, it all shakes out in the end, right?

Sarcasm had become a sort of self defense mechanism since the dreams began. Talking to someone other than Amy, despite it just being him talking to himself, had helped a little. It wasn't enough but it was nice to explode on the inside without alerting all of the normal people outside of his apartment.

All of those fake people, like his friends. He still couldn't figure out why they weren't as affected as he was about her death. The only difference being that they hadn't been there but he-

He had.

He had seen every second over and over in bits and pieces. It was in fragments, but he had seen enough to understand that he had simply watched her die.

That it had been his fault.

That he had made no attempt at helping her.

That the reason why she had settled on haunting him with her image was because he had watched her die and hadn't moved an inch to help her.

There wasn't anything that he could do about it now, but ever since the dreams had started he had known that that must have been the reason.

She had every right to hate the one person who could have helped her, but didn't.

Who could blame her?

He had understood all of that but for some reason the black hedgehog's words had stuck with him. He was well aware of the fact that everything that Shadow had said was true. If anybody else had found him that night and tried to take him home, they would have been dead.

He couldn't help but wonder what might have happened if somebody else he cared about had tried taking him home.

What if Tails had tried?

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