Chapter 3

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We all finished eating and Daniel said, "we better get going. it was nice meeting you Allison" the rest of the boys nod in agreement, and I shook their hands as they started to walk out. Lastly, it was Jack's turn and instead of shaking my hand he pulled me into a tight hug. It lasted a good 30 seconds. While I was in his embrace, i could smell his cologne, and it reminded me of the summer time. I hugged him back tightly and when we both let go, I told him I wanted to talk to him. Alone. He just nodded and said, "when?" I said, "tomorrow." He smiled at me and turned to the door, but he turned back around, "can i have your number?" He said while Rubbing the back of his neck nervously. I just smiled at him and said, "You crack me up. I met you today noodle head, you want my number, you've got to earn it." He smiled at me and walked out the door. Logan walked by and whispered, "god you're such a tease." i blushed and walked into my room. I could already tell that i was going to enjoy being here in Los Angeles. i remembered Jack, and his beautiful smile that i adored. I smiled to myself, and drifted off to sleep. I gasped for air and I was cold. "ugh what the hell Logan?"
He laughed at me and was talking to his vlog camera. I shooed him out of my room and hopped in the shower. When i got out, i out on my favorite romper. I put on some mascara, and walked outside to a living room full of boys. I recognized Jonah, Zach, Daniel, Corbyn and Jack, but I had no clue who the other guys were. Logan came up to me and said, "morning sister. Al this is Johannes, Mark, and George" I shook their hands, and walked over to the why dont we boys. As i walked over they all looked up from what they were doing and teased, "hey Al" they all said at once. I blushed and muttered "just a stupid nickname". Jack must've heard me because he whispered, "i find it adorable". I blushed and sat down on the couch next to zach, who put his arm around my shoulder. I could hear Logan in the kitchen and he said "paws off my baby sister Jacob". Zach moved his arm off my shoulder and saw my confused expression. "Logan calls me jacob because he thinks i look like Jacob Sartorius." I laughed ad Zach leaned closer to my face only to start whispering to me. "look, jack's got a major crush on you. when we left yesterday, he seemed pretty upset, what did you do?" He asks kindly. "he asked me for my number, and i told him he would have to earn it" i replied. he just nodded and got up. I watched him as he walked up to Jack and whispered something in his ear making Jack turn red while looking at me. I knew what he told him. He said that he told me he liked me. I got up and walked towards jack, his eyed widening as i got closer to him. "jack can i talk to you" he nodded and i led him to my room, closing and locking the door behind me. i could tell he was nervous, so i walked up to him and hugged him. I told him that he shouldnt be nervous around me. He let go of me, and I stared into his eyes. His beautiful, brown eyes.

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