Chapter 9

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Im skipping to the next day bc Im lazy af (ps. Im sorry if this chapter is shitty. It will probably be shit bc i honestly have no clue what a date looks like. #singleforever)

I woke up and turned on my phone. I opened the group text and started typing.

Me: im free today. Anyone else?

Jack💕: ive got no plans.

Corbean: christina and I are going on a date, but later, were free.

Jo-nuh: zach and i are going to beach so we can't hang

Me: danny?

Jack💕: pretty sure he's still sleeping.

Me: Jack want to go out for lunch?

Jack💕: yeah sure. See you in 10?

Me: yeah

I turned my phone off and grabbed my purse. I sat in the living room, waiting for Jack. I couldn't help but smile, because all I was thinking about was Jack, and our kiss.

There was a knock at the door, and I ran to it. I opened it and smiled.

Jack: Hey Al

Me: hey jack

i kissed his cheek and he reached out his arm. I grabbed his arm and intertwined our fingers. I closed and locked the door behind me. I then laid my head on his shoulder as we walked to the ground floor, and out the front door.

Jack: I wanted to walk because I could spend more time with you

Me: awe. youre sweet

Jack: al.

Me: yeah jack

Jack: youre all i can think about nowadays. I try to do thinks to get you off my mind, but I just cant.

Me: Jack. Im the exact same. All i can think about is your beautiful head of hair- i ran my fingers through his hair as he blushed.-and your beautiful brown eyes. 

Jack: thank you. you know, you are beautiful.

Me: no im not..

he turned to face me, staring into my eyes.

Jack: yes. you really are. in every way. your eyes are beautiful your hair is beautiful your personality is beautiful your smile is gorgeous. i could go on for hours.

i was blushing hard. i have never been complimented this heavily before. i got onto my tippy-toes and kissed him. He kissed back, and we stood there, in the middle of Hollywood Boulevard kissing. I was unbelievably happy, and we kept on kissing. all of a sudden, i heard a little click i really didn't care about the picture, or anyone but Jack.

Me: I really don't want to go out to eat. Let's just go back to my apartment to eat.

Jack nodded and we walked up tommy apartment. I stared into Jack's eyes. He stared back down at me, and then he looked away, and went over to sit on the couch. I turned the tv on, and jack pulled me onto his lap.

Me: So, are we going to get something to eat or what? Im hungry.

Jack: can we order a pizza?

Me: of course

I picked up my phone, and ordered a pizza. I then got a text from Daniel in the group chat

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