Chapter 11

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I woke up by myself and I wondered where Jack went. I smiled, and went into the bathroom carrying my bag. I showered, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and put my hair into a ponytail. Today was Jack's 18th birthday and Im planning on taking him out to dinner.

I then went out of the bathroom and set my things down. I went to the living room, to find Jack and Daniel. They seemed to be having a deep conversation, and I didn't want to interrupt. I tried to listen to what they were talking about, and I heard Daniel and Jack say a couple things.

Daniel: i cant believe it

Jack: me either

Daniel: our song is going to be on the radio..

Jack: i honestly need a distraction. I feel weird being this happy

Daniel: well theres your girl

Jack: where?

Daniel pointed to where I was and Jack got up, and ran to me. He picked me up and spun me around.

Me: why so excited?

Jack: we are going to be on the radio.


Jack: YES

He put me down and kissed me. He was passionate, and I could tell he was happy. I pulled away, and i started yelling to him.


Jack: thank you.

Me: WAIT. you are turning 18 today. Im already 18. I grinned.

Jack: You're older than me. Get over it. He laughed.

Me: what are the plans today?

Jack: the boys and I are going out for lunch, and then Ive got nothing.

Me: how about dinner?

Jack: of course

Jack: i cant wait

Me: me either.

Jack laid down on the couch and sighed.

Me: whats wrong cupcake?

Jack: I forgot you call me that now.

Me: whats wrong? I repeated.

Jack: We are going on tour. For a month. Straight.

Me: oh.

Jack: see i knew you would get upset.

Me: Jack. I was going to tell you something as well.

Jack: what is it?

Me: im going back to ohio.

Jack: What..

Me: its only for a month.

Jack: the month im gone?

skinny love; j.aWhere stories live. Discover now