Chapter 7

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(Im going to be changing the style of my story a bit, mainly because its a little easier to read this way)

I got out of the car, and into the elevator. It was silent, until I got a phone call. It was Jack. I answered it and:

Jack: hey, how are you?

Me: Im okay, my wrist hurts still, but i will be fine.

As I said that Logan looked in my direction and gave me a look that says, 'im sorry'.

Jack: what are you doing tomorrow?

Me: Oh well Im going to the beach with Jake and then to the mall with Alissa.

Jack: so you can't come over tomorrow
He sounded a little sad when He said this, which made me smile.
Me: Are you sad I don't have time to hang out with you tomorrow? I said while smirking.
Jack: well yeah. why would I be happy i can't hang with my best friend.

The elevator dinged and i walked out.

Me: i guess i could arrange some time for you in the morning before the beach

Jack: really?
He sounded really happy, and i smiled very widely.

Me: i've got to go. we just got to our apartment, and Im going to shower.

Jack: okay bye al

Me: by jack.
Before i hung up, i heard jack mumbling so I put the phone back up to my ear

Jack: god i cant wait to see her.
In the background i could hear Daniel.

Daniel: cause you like her

Jack: well duh

I blushed and thought of what to say.

Me: i didn't hang up yet.

Jack: oh shit.

I laughed and then hung up. I then went into my room, and closed the door. I locked it and hopped into my shower. (The bathroom is attached to the room)
I washed my hair, and got dressed in a 'savage' hoodie and sweatpants. i went into the living room only to find corbyn and jonah in the kitchen, clearly raiding the fridge.

"Hey guys" they jumped after I said this and i laughed at them.

"Hey al" they said in unison.

"We are here on behalf of jack. He didn't want us to tell you but whatever." Jonah said.

"Okay." I said.

"so were supposed to find out if you like jack or not by doing random things and asking questions but we're too lazy" corbyn said.

"why didn't jack come here himself?" I asked.

"he didn't want you to see his face if you said you didn't like him" jonah said.

"well, im not telling you guys anything. if jack wants answers, he has to come here and ask the questions himself" i said.

They shrugged their shoulders and walked out. I rolled my eyes and went into my room. I laid down and drifted off to sleep, thinking about Jack.

Please leave any suggestions you guys have for me in the comments, i will definitely use them.  ALSO 400 MOTHERFLIPPIN VIEWS OMGGG I ACTUALLY LOST MY SHITTTT💕💕 IM SHOOOOOK

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