Chapter 14

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we finished with the concert, and we headed backstage for the meet and greet. I was next to Corbyn and Daniel.

A girl walked down the line, and took pictures with everyone, giving them hugs. When she got to me, I went to give her a hug, when she leaned in and kissed me. I didn't kiss back, but before I could push her off of me, i heard the click of a camera.

"Got it. Lets go Brit"

I shoved her off of me, and she smirked at me. I glared at her, and I could see the guys staring at me.

Me: what?

"call allison. tell here before that picture gets out there."

Me: Okay. But what about the meet and greet?

"Just go dude"

Me: okay.

I raised my voice.


I then walked behind the curtain that we were all standing in front of and pulled out my phone. I then saw my snapchat, twitter, amd instagram had all blow up with the picture of that girl who kissed me.

I called Allison.

Me: Baby
Al: yes?
Me: look. we started the meet and greet, and this girl was giving everyone hugs.
Al: and she kissed you
Me: how'd you know?
Al: i saw the picture
Me: and you arent mad?
Al: jack. I trust you completely. I know you would never cheat.
Me: thank god. im glad you didnt think I cheated. i didnt.
Al: i know. jack. i need to tell you something.
Me: what is it?
Al: nevermind. i need to do it in person.
Me: youre breaking up with me arent you?

I frowned.

Al: no. Jack you should be excited.
Me: oh. okay. Ive got to get back to the meet and greet. see you soon baby girl.
Al: see you cupcake.
Me: I lo-
Al: jack?
Me: yes?
Al: dont say it over the phone. i cant stand being away from you. please dont say it over the phone.
Me: okay. bye baby girl
Al: bye cupcake.

I hung up and smiled. I walked back over to the line of girls, who were clearly waiting to greet me. I finally got through the line.

"is she mad?"

Me: she said she trusts me. shes totally cool.

"Thats good. We would've been here to testify for you bro."

Me: i know guys. I love you guys

"love you to jack"

We gave a group hug, and did our handshake.

We then went back to the penthouse and since it was 11pm, we all went to sleep.

All i could think about was Allison, and her soft lips. I just wanted to see her, to kiss her, but I cant. And I wont be able to for two more weeks.

(Next chapter will be skipped all the way to the end of tour)


I turned on my phone, only to see I had gotten a whole bunch of tweets from fanpages. I opened a few of them, and attached was a picture of Allison's new boyfriend Jack. He was kissing someone in the picture. And it wasnt Allison. I got pissed off, and read the caption "jacks cheating on allison!!". I then called Logan.

Me: logan did you see that picture of Jack
Logan: yes.
Me: and?
Logan: i knew this would happen again. im totally pissed off.
Me: me too. Do you think she has seen it yet?
Logan: not yet. Its going to break her heart.
Me: i know.
Logan: thats why youre telling her.
Me: fine. I will tell you how i goes.

I hung up and called my little sister Allison.

Me: Allison..
A: yes?
Me: jacks cheating on you.
A: what?
Me: he kissed another girl. the picture is all over the internet. Check your twitter.
A: you better be joking.
Me: im not. you are going to break up with him right?
A: ive got to see the picture first.
Me: do you not trust me?
A: i need to see if he kissed her back or is she was just kissing him.
Me: if you dont break up with him, i will break up with him for you.
A: jakey.
Me: no. He cheated on you.

I hung up and tried to take a nap, and sleep off my anger. I ended up falling asleep.


Jake hung up and I checked my twitter. I looked at the picture, and I could tell that Jack was not kissing her.

I have pictures of us kissing from the same angle the photo was taken, and I compared the two. She was all over him, and his hands were at his sides. When he kissed me, his hands were either on my waist, around my neck, in my hair, or on my face.

I smiled, because Jack hadn't cheated. I then got a call from Jack, and I answered it.

He hung up, and I smiled even wider. He cared. He really did. He was very worried. He didn't want me to think he cheated.

I opened twitter, and started typing up a tweet.


PaulAllison: thank you to the girl who tried to break jack and I up. ❤️. It didnt work. Nice try bitch.    @jackaverymusic

I got a bunch of likes, and retweets. I got a bunch of comments.

@user1: thank god my otp remains🙏🏻
@user2: kys.
@seaveydaniel: @user2 how dare you. she doesnt deserve that. how would you feel if someone told you to kill youself.
@jackaverymusic: i love you baby girl❤️
@paulallison: jack.. i wanted it to be said in person. @jackaverymusic
@user5: OTPPPP😻💍
@jakepaul: allison. i told you to break up with him. hes a no good cheater.
@loganpaul: baby sister. i trust your judgement. @jackaverymusic, break her hear I break you.
@jackaverymusic: yes sir. @loganpaul
@paulallison: jake please.. @jakepaul
@jakepaul: no. you two are done with

I closed my phone and smiled. Jack told me he loved me. I fell asleep, and dreamt of Jack and I's future together.

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