Chapter 8

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I woke up to 6 texts from a groupchat with Jack, and four other random numbers.

I scrolled to the beginning of the chat and started reading

Jackk: Guys I added Al to the group chat.

(213)496-2947: danny boi

(213)395-3047: corbean

(213) 219-1937: jo-nuh

(213)284-2821: zach

Jackk: anyways, im going to bed. Night my dudes

I created contacts for each of the boys and started typing.

Me: hey dudes

Jackk: hey al

Jo-nuh: do you guys want to hang out today

Zach: yeah al you should totally come over

Corbean: i cant come. im meeting Christina at the airport

Me: Ive got some plans, but Jack and I are hanging out this morning.

Jackk: what time should I pick you up.

Me: whenever

Jackk: on my way.

Me: dont text and drive

Jackk: whatever

there then was a knock at the door, and I opened t to see Jack. He looked at me with his beautiful brown eyes, and I grabbed my purse.
(Their conversation while in the car on the way to breakfast)

Jack: you look beautiful
Me: thank you
Jack: so uh. Yesterday when we were talking on the phone. did you hear anything before you hung up.
Me: yes
Jack: damn it
Me: You know. you didnt have to send jonah and corbyn to my house last night.
Jack: What do you mean?
Me: They are my best friends. They told me why they were there
Jack: they did?
Me: yeah. Jack, how long have you had a crush on me?
Jack: Uh. Ever since I laid eyes on you..
Me: seriously?
Jack: Well yeah
Me: jack. i have feelings for you too.

he stared at me. And then he smiled.

Jack: we are here.

He got out of the car and walked over to my door. He opened it and I stepped out. I didn't recognize where we were, but it looked like some sort of park.

Jack: this is where i come to clear my head.

I nodded and he grabbed my arm, pulling me towards a trail. As we started to walk he took my hand, and intertwined our fingers. I gave his hand a squeeze, and smiled. We walked and walked until we were back near the start of the trail. we were silent the entire time. I enjoyed my time walking around with Jack. When we got back to the car I let go of Jack's hand.

Me: jack I had an amazing time. thank you for bringing me here

Jack: no problem.

Just then, i stood on my tippy-toes, and kissed jack on the cheek. He smiled at me and we got in the car. Jack drove me back to the apartment complex and insisted on walking me to the door. He walked me upstairs and to the door.

Jack: We should do this more often. I really had a great time

Me: Me too.

I then got the sudden urge to kiss him. So, I stood on my tippy-toes and Jack leaned forward. Our lips met, and I kissed him. He kissed me back, and put his hand on my cheek. The door suddenly opened.

Logan: So im about to go to the gym and get sw-

jack and I pulled apart quickly and I was hoping Logan didn't see the kiss, or even worse get it on camera. I think he did.

Logan: um. uh

Jack: i should go. see you tomorrow.

Me: bye jack.

Logan: see you

Jack left and Logan turned to me.

Logan: look. i dont care who you date, just don't do anything you will regret later.

Me: i love you logan

Logan: i love you too baby sis

we hugged, and I continued on with my day. during the rest of the day I had one thing on my mind. Jack Avery.

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