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Hello readers! I'm Cyber Bits or C. Bits for short. I'm not old and I'm not young. I love doughnuts and I hate computer viruses since they're a pain to get rid of. Besides that, I'm not telling y'all my personal information just yet.

I live in Wonbridge, Rhode Island a.k.a T-City short for Turpitude City or my favorite Corrupt-Bridge.

Population of abusers, human traffickers, hookers, drug dealers, strippers, furtive cops, unhanded politicians, murderers, and the Mafia. Not the little wannabe gangs or the secondary ones, nah the one, well two, that control the city!

The Italian and the British crime families. But to be precise, The Tigano and The Crowther. They're pretty dangerous! Meaning a big fat warning sign to my well-being if I ever get involved with either of them.

But I do have friends like the Korean mafia leader's daughter and son and the C.E.S. (Coders Endocrine Society) database administrators. They became my buddies once I moved here, they are in charge of their respective 'companies' and I just work at the local doughnut shop.

~Author Note:
I want this story to be a bit different from Killer Sweets!, so yeah here's the breakdown:

*The main character, Lyrica, have Abductor Spasmodic Dysphonia, meaning throughout the story majority of the time she's using jewelry that have a voice recorder chip within it.

*If the text is bold then she's mouthing something out or using sign language.

*Italicize when she use her Speech-generating app on her phone.

*Also they will be Sex Scenes

*Dark/Depressing/Mature Themes


*Sexual Content/Language 


*Murder Scenes

*Outfits are created by me or found on Google and/or Pinterest.

*Pictures are not owned by me unless it pertain to the asterisk above

*Languages: Italian, Spanish, Korean, Turkish, etc. are from Google translate.

*The locations that are presented are not based on real locations, the only thing that is common between them are the location names. Also, events doesn't always correspond to their real life counterparts.

Please enjoy the story!

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