Chapter 10

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-Lyrica's POV

The next day, the house staff are in a tizzy because of the dinner party that Domenico is hosting. Not only will his broad members and their families be there, but his partners and their families. In addition to Paolo and his date and Salvatore and his wife, Mr. Giordano will be coming as well.


Yep, totally what I needed for tonight, more stress. I've been up since two in the morning because of Domenico. I had to memorize what he wanted me to do. Then he made me look up some dude's information. Like I can't think without him calling me to do something dealing with the mafia. Which isn't my undercover job! Like isn't there a saying that says the hour of the devil is around three or four in the morning. Or is it called the witching hour? Can't think, too tired for phrases.

I'm sore and tired. That's the only four words that ran on repeat through my brain as I sip from my cup of coffee. Thank God for the creation of coffee because that's the only thing here that the staff is allow to drink currently besides tap water.

"Hey, you don't look so good Lyrica."

I turn around to see Buck smiling happily. I shook my head, "Nah. I'm fine, just didn't get enough sleep last night."

He nods, "Is it due to the dinner party?"

"Yes. Domenico had me up all night. Plannin' and preparin' things. Teachin' me the do' s and don'ts of his dinner party. I'm just need a little nap."

He chuckles, "That's Domenico. He just wants everything to be perfect."

Well, I created a menu that will catered to his taste. Lucian is halfway done with the appetizers. Duncan and Osgood are providing custom made drinks for his guest. Gavin and Meela are helping with the entertainment. Miss Winthrop, Miss Esposito, and I are basically the guests' personal maids. Lastly Buchanan handles security. It's as perfect as it gonna get damn it!

"Lyrica, Mr. Giordano wants to speak with you!", I heard Osgood yell.

I groan as I pull myself away from the counter.

"I'll wash your cup for you Rikki.", Duncan said as he picks my cup up.

What would I do without them?', I thought as I went to the elevator.

As I stare at myself, I see that my eyes are cute under their designer bags. Hopefully it's limited edition because I can't stay up for two nights in the row.

Once I made it to my destination, I heard loud moans coming from his door. I made sure to sigh as loud as I could before I knocked. You know I had to cause him some nuisance since he wants to keep me up.

He opens the door and there stood his date, Daphne. Her light brown eyes darken with anger once she laid eyes on me.

Now Daphne is pretty, not gonna lie, but that shit she pulled made us not likeable in each other eyes.

"Oh goodie the maid is here.", Daphne grumbled.

"Look fruitcake, I didn't want to be called either."

Domenico glares at me. I don't know why but I'll found out sooner than later.

"How is the food coming along?", Domenico ask.

"The appetizers are almost done. The band is here and settin' up, Rosemarie and Clara are in their rooms napping, and Buck is workin' with security."

He grunts, "There is another thing I have yet to ask of you."

"What is it?"

"I want-"

That's the last thing I heard. My hearing went out and I suddenly feel sick. The room feel like its spinning and I didn't want to fall so I try to steady myself. My vision begin to blurred and the colors brighten. Domenico's outfit, a simple black long sleeve shirt, pants, and shoes, slowly became vantablack.

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