Chapter 3

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-Lyrica's POV & Outfit

'If it's not problem #1 then it's problem #2 that's being a pain.', I thought as I brush my teeth.

It's 5:55 in the morning and I have to be at work at 8. But before that, I have to see the mafia men from yesterday. Spitting into the sink, I rinse off my toothbrush after that I begin to wash my face. As I look at myself in the mirror and I thought back to Paolo and Domenico's proposal.


"Work for us.", Paolo ask.

From his tone, he wasn't asking. It was more like he is telling me that I AM going to be work for them. He could at least be polite about it, but if he wanted to say that then they could of told me that tomorrow. Glancing to the floor, I didn't answer because I really don't want to work with them.

"Problem?", Domenico questions.

I nodded as I type my rebuttal. Duh, I don't want to be involved with y'all crimes.

"Are you crazy! Why would I do that? My family knows I work at a low-paying doughnut shop and living at a crappy apartment building. As much as I would love to provide money for my family, I can't do this...line of work forever. I didn't even want to be a hacker or delivery woman for gang leaders. Do you know that I'm wanted, the police is actively searching for me! The email I just got is basically a setup!"

"How do you know it's a setup?"

"First off, there is no gang name 'Fjord Clearing' in T-City, second off, I remember all the gang's names in this city and there is no gangs with a stupid sounding name like that, and third off, no minor gang's payment is higher than $200 and want their package delivered to Upper Crest."

"Once again, how do you know that? Considering you've started living here on July 21st, judging from your lease. You couldn't memorize the names and the mechanism of Wonbridge's underworld in a span of two weeks. Even if Young-Soo helped you, that would be nearly impossible unless you've studied the system before you came here."

Sighing, I guess I have to give him the honest reason on how I know it's a setup, "Programming and hacking are games I enjoy playing. Unfortunately my prizes are information that are vital to everyone well-being instead of a teddy bear."

Domenico's eyes narrowed as the phone voice that statement, "What vital information?"

I type my answer and allow the phone to communicate it, "Well, I know about 15% of Wonbridge's underworld. A little bit about your family connections to the Tigano, The C.E.S. Organization, and finally the mayor and his lackeys. That's the main reason why I can never work for bad people. I prefer to live a bit longer when I stop hacking."

Paolo sat back in his seat and pulled out a cigarette. He lit it and begin to smoke; after he took a puff, he grunts, "Pity. What should we do now, Ardigò?"

Shaking my head, I tried to grab the cigarette. I have a bittersweet love for the smell of cigarette smoke. The odor from the brand of cigarettes he's smoking is grody. Also, you can't smoke inside the building. I almost snatched the stick of death from Paolo's lips, but Domenico grabbed my wrist before I could.

"Listen Lyrica, if you know what's good for you and your family, you'll listen to what I have to say and you will follow my orders. I will personally send someone to murder you and send your madre your head in a box with a note saying 'You're next' in there with it. Now, you'll meet us at Terra-Ware at 6:30 a.m. sharp or I'll make sure my threat reach your famiglia tomorrow morning. Do I make myself clear?", Domenico threatened calmly.

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