Chapter 2

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-Lyrica's POV

I don't know what's worse, hearing a little girl sniveling or hearing Maury say, "You are...NOT the father!"

Either way, I don't like it especially if I haven't seen the entire episode of Maury. So I wiped eye-boogers out of the corners of my eyes and I look over to the tween.

 So I wiped eye-boogers out of the corners of my eyes and I look over to the tween

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(???:Laneya Grace)

Her aura is a deep blue color, her right cheek has a bruise on it, but the one thing that I noticed once I lower my eyes from her face is the bracelet on her left wrist. Her bracelet was more like a tag, specifically one for a soon to be prostitute. Frowning, the more I look at her the more I can see what happen.

She had to be kidnapped during her bedtime judging from her attire and she must of put up one hell of a fight due to the bruises on her. Sad what this city do to it's youth.

She looks at me fearfully. Shaking, she back herself into the coffee table and shields her face.

Sitting at the end of my bed, I stared at her. Her long hair is in a mess, a few scratches litter her legs, and her pajamas are grimy and damp.

She glance up at me, "Cosa vuole da me?"
(What do you want from me?)

She speaks Italian.

Great, just what I needed. Another person speaking Italian.

"Per favore non ferirmi, voglio tornare a casa.", she whines.
(Please don't hurt me, I want to go back home.)

I got up and walk into my closet. Opening my luggage, I broke into a pack of unopened toothbrushes and grab a pink one. Putting the toothbrushes back in my luggage, I stroll pass her and went into the bathroom. Putting Colgate on her toothbrush and mine. I walk back into my bedroom/living room and held out the toothbrush.

She furrow her eyebrows and slowly grabs it. Putting mine in my mouth, I return to the bathroom and soon heard the pitter-patter of her footsteps coming too. Moving to the toilet, I lift up the seat and spit. She looks over and once again furrow her brows, but did the same.

After our dental hygiene, personal hygiene, and health check-up, I made us some Nissin Chicken Flavor Cup Ramen. It's not Maru-Chan but it will have to do. Placing hers on the table, she looks at it with disgust. I giggle a little then walk over to my phone.

No new emails and work is within three hours, so discovering who this girl's parents needs to be solve quickly.

Going back to the table, I see that she starts to eat the noodles reluctantly.

Typing on my phone, I slid it to her.

"My name is Lyrica. What is your name?"

She began to type slowly like she thinking about what she gonna say. Finally she slid it back to me.

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