Chapter 10: Going back to Tokyo.

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Okay guys I'm back with another chapter Neon and Kira know and have their powers. Last chapter was the last part of Neon and Kira discovering their powers. Also guys sorry for the late update I got busy, plus my grandmother's health has took the turn for the worst.

~The morning~

Neon and Kira wake up and walk to the kitchen to see Himeko making breakfast.

Himeko: Good morning Neon and Kira. Did you two sleep well?

Kira: Yeah.

Neon: *nods*

Himeko: That's good. Well breakfast is ready.

Himeko, Neon, and Kira sat down and ate breakfast together.

Kira: Thank you for everything Himeko we really are grateful for what you have done for Neon and I.

Himeko: Your welcome. After all you two are the reason why we were able to stop Ryo. Plus I wanted to do this.

Kira: I did. I starting to think you had to do it, because we save you.

Himeko: No ever Kira. I wanted to show you how thankful and proud of was of you two. We all have make choices and choices make you. I also wanted to get to know you a little bit I haven't see you two in years.

Kira: Really?! I'm glad I met you Himeko.

Himeko: I'm glad too. I hope we can get along very well.

Kira: I think we will.

Himeko: Neon are you alright? You seem oddly quiet.

Neon: Yes I'm fine. *looks down and back up over at a picture*

Himeko: Are you sure honey? I know we just met but you can trust me you know. If something bothering you can let me and I know I'm not your mother but I just want you to know you can.

Neon: Yeah. What was mom like when she was my age? What about dad?

Himeko: Where did this come from? I know you must have so many question. I do remember your mother was like she keep herself distant from everyone else, yet she cold but yet she was kind and truly care about the people she loved. Your mother was very hard to get to know. I do remember she soften up over time. But your father on the other hand was always kind. I do remember him always being level headed he did have his moments. Your father lost his family at a very young age. Within all that sadness and pain he found away to be happy and see the light in everything. So people would say he had this fire in his heart and your mother had ice in her heart. And they say fire and ice don't mix well it did. I was thirteen when I met your parents Neon.

Neon: Thank you I needed that. Sometimes it feels like I don't have any of my father in me.

Himeko: Trust me you do. You have his kindness and probably more it's been along time since I've seen you. I do remember when you were little you show a lot of his personality. But I always knew you were very much like your mother. You've got both of them inside you.

Neon: Yeah. *gets up and walks over to a picture* Is this mom and dad when they were my age?

Himeko: Yeah.

Neon: They looked so different back then. It's not that they look so young. It's their faces well dad's hasn't change but mom has she looked colder I remember her face looked so soft and loving.

Himeko: Time did change them especially Mei. She's proud of you they both are.

Neon: I know. I just miss them.

Himeko: We all do.

Neon: Himeko did mom have headaches?

Himeko: No? Why were you asking?

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