Chapter 11: The meeting in Yamoto! Himeko's motherly act!

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Okay, guys, I'm going to change my writing style for this book, because I want to start putting more details into the chapters and so much more. So the writing, for now, is going to be more like a novel. If there's a lot of grammar error I'm sorry, grammar is not my thing. Sorry, this is late Himeko's picture is above.

~No one's pov~
In Yamato after Neon and Kira left. Himeko was in her office pacing back forth. All Himeko could think about was Neon and Kira if they made it back to Tokyo safely. Another thing was on her mind was about the Meeting that was happening tomorrow between herself, also with the Sama of Yamanaka, two major AMP Force members, and other Magi. Of course, Himeko would be concern what might happen at the meeting. She also was in charge of a whole village. Himeko couldn't keep her mind off of Neon and Kira going back to Tokyo knowing that the girls don't have full control of their powers. Himeko knew not to worry too much knowing that they could get out of a bad situation. Himeko had other worries on her mind like why after so many years why would Ryo attack but he had the same motivations he wanted Neon like last time. One thing was for sure why did he also wanted Kira. Himeko wasn't going to mention the whole train situation at the meaning it was too risky she also knew Kira's father was going to be there. As Himeko let her thoughts detract her from everything else. Until there was a knock on her office door.

"Come in," Himeko said. 

"Lady Himeko you shouldn't worry too much about them. They can take care of themselves." Ryuu said. 

"I know but I can't help worry. Ryuu have you made sure no one has found about the accident on the train. The last thing we need is a bunch of AMPs on our case" Himeko said the last part somewhat bitterly. 

"Yes, Lady," Ryuu said. 

"Any last time plans for the meeting tomorrow, Ryuu?" Himeko asked. 

"No," Ryuu said. 

"I also have one request at this meeting," Himeko said. 

"What is it?" Ryuu asked. 

"Well Ryuu you are my assistant and I would like if you were at the meeting." Himeko said almost relieved. 

"I would love to M'lady," Ryuu said. 

"Well you can drop the M'lady part," Himeko said. 

"That's never going to happen and you know it," Ryuu said. 

"I guess so" Himeko sighs. 

There was a knock on the door. 

"Come in it's open," Himeko said. 

"It's always nice to see you Lady Himeko. But I've never heard you sound so stress before" the man said while coming in Himeko's office. 

"Ichijo-sama it's lovely to see you too. And you can drop the 'Sama' in my name we're friends. I'm a little stress out." Himeko said. 

"I know Himeko. Is there something troubling you?" Ichijo asked concerned. 

"Nothing can get past you can't it," HImeko said. 

"I'm being serious Himeko. Can you even tell me what's wrong did something happen to her?" Ichijo asked in a serious tone. 

"Yeah. There was an accident on my way back to Yamato" Himeko said concerned. 

"I'm listening," Ichijo said. 

"Look you know yesterday was. And Neon and Kira were on the train away to Yamato to see their graves. And Ryo attacked the train I was so useless but yet a wonderful thing happen. Neon and Kira got their powers and was able to chase Ryo away." Himeko said relieved but yet frustrated at herself. 

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