Chapter 21: The Truth

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Neon and Kira woke up after what happened yesterday the both of them went straight to bed. They got up and to get ready for school. Neon was in her room laying on top of her bed she barely got any sleep she had been plagued once again with nightmares. Her head had been pounding like crazy. She couldn't stop thinking about what Yoshio and Fuijoko had said. What was so bad about Kori and why would Yoshio want her and Kira to join the AMP Force it made no sense what so ever. Neon got up and got ready for school. Kira was in her room getting ready she couldn't stop thinking what had happened yesterday with Neon and what her parent's had said. She also couldn't stop thinking about how Yuki lied to her, she was hurt by this. 

"Neon let's go," Kira said knocking on Neon's door. 

"I'm coming," Neon said. 

"Hurry up okay. Are you feeling alright," Kira asked? 

"Yeah, I will be," Neon said. 

"After what happen yesterday I wanted to make sure that you were," Kira said. 

"I know you always do. Do me a favor and not worry too much about me," Neon said. 

"No promises. I worried about you because I care about you" Kira said. Neon opens her door.

"Let's go," Neon said. 

"Yeah," Kira said. 

"Good Morning girls," Fuijoko said. 

"Hi, mom. Don't worry about breakfast Neon and I will get some later. We head off now," Kira said. 

"You know Kira breakfast is the most important meal of the day," Yoshio said. Neon rolls her eyes. 

"Girls we need you two, to come home right after school no little stops," Fuijoko said. 

"We were actually were planning to go to Kori's place after school," Kira said. 

"You've heard me not today," Fuijoko said. 

"Does this have anything to do with what happened yesterday," Neon asked. 

"It's not concern if it does," Fuijoko said. 

"Yes it does because Kori is my friend, and I don't know why you hate him so much," Neon said getting irritated. 

"We just think he's not a good influence on the both of you," Fuijoko said. 

"The is wrong with you," Neon raised her voice. Then the toaster exploxed went out Kira grabbed Neon's hand and ran out the door knowing Neon did that with her powers. 

"Neon what the heck was that," Kira asked. 

"What was what," Neon asked? 

"You blew up the toaster," Kira said. 

"Oops, I guess that was my powers acting up," Neon said. 

"You mean you did that with your powers unintentionally," Kira asked? 

"Yes," Neon said. 

"Awesome," Kira jumped in excitement. 

"Kira I don't think that's all that awesome and I don't even know how that happened," Neon said. Kira stood there for a moment and thought then she got it.

"Neon what was the last thing you felt before you blew up the toaster," Kira asked? 

"I felt irritated at Fuijoko," Neon said. 

"I think your powers go off by your emotions," Kira said. 

"I make sense from everything that has been happening lately with your powers," Neon said. 

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