Chapter 15: I'm so confused

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3rd person pov

"Girls I'm home." Yoshio said walking inside the house.

"Dear you're home. How was work?" Fuijoko said to her husband.

"It was fine. Still working the investigation" Yoshio said.

"Oh any leads" Fuijoko asked.

"Not really, but I have my suspiciouses. We'll find whoever is causing such disturbance. Neon Kira how were your day at school." Yoshio said.

"Fine. We meet Yuki's dad today." Kira said.

"You did. What do you think on him" Yoshio asked.

"His nothing like Yuki. The only thing they have in common is their hair." Kira said.

Yoshio chuckles. "You are humorous, Kira. Neon what about you?"

"Why should my opinion matter?" Neon asked.

"Oh Neon quit with those question. Your opinion matters Neon." Yoshio said.

"His different from what I'm use to. Yoshio he mention my mother. Don't you think it's a bit inappropriate when you meet someone you mention something like that." Neon said.

"Neon, Saturo and myself knew your mother. I know your parents are sensitive subject for you to talk about. It must have slipped his mind that it would hurt you in someway to mention your mother." Yoshio said.

"It didn't hurt me. I just thought it was inappropriate to say it especially, since we were in public not everyone understand my situation. And I think he knew and still said something." Neon said trying to stay calm.

"Well I'm sorry Neon that you feel that way." Yoshio said about to pat her head.


She slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch me." Neon said coldly.

"Neon calm down dear." Fuijoko said coming close to her. And Neon takes a step back.

"Mom Dad leave Neon alone. She not very fond of Saturo." Kira said standing in front of Neon.

"Kira don't bother. I'm going upstairs to my room." Neon said going upstairs to her room.

Neon's pov

I went upstairs to my room closing the door behind me. I slid down to the ground having my back to the door. I don't like the feeling I get when I'm around Saturo, Yoshio, and Fuijoko. It feels like I'm suffocating. I don't like how Saturo looked at me. It feels like someone is trying to hide something from me as if something not right and I'm missing it. My head felt like it was pounding. I thought this stopped. What's going on. I don't feel safe in my own home.

Kira's pov

Something wrong with Neon. After what just happened. Some of it could be her and I know Neon doesn't liked to be touch. And I know Neon hates it when I try to protect her. I just hope she okay after everything that has happened. Everything been happening so fast it's hard to keep up with it. But they have some nerve to push her like that.

"You've got some nerve mom dad. Why do you always have to bring up her parents. And why does everyone you know have to bring it up. It bothers her in a way. Saturo freaked her out. You two know how much she's loved them! I also hated when you bring it up dad!" I said getting angry at them.

"Kira we know" Mom said.

"You are always defending her." Dad said.

"Someone has to" I said running upstairs. I went to Neon's door. I should check on her.

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