Chapter 29: The plan takes action

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A few days went by, Kira is still sticking about Kori's. Kira could not face her parents are the Neon incident. Kira finally decided to go back home, she knew what was in store for her when she gets home.

"Are you sure Kira that you want to do this," Kori asked? He was concern for his friend, he did enjoy Kira's company. Yuki had been so busy lately.

"I'll be fine," Kira said. She was unsure what was about to go down with her parents.

"If anything happens you can come to me okay," Kori said. Kira nodded and give him a toothy smile, assure her friend that she would be fine. Kira walked in her home.

"Kira Fuijmoto where have you been," I heard said. She already was throwing the question at me.

"I've been at Kori's," I said I knew how she felt about Kori's family.

"What have I told you about that boy!" I could hear mom's voice get louder.

"He's my friend," I said. 

"Kira, your mother and I have been worried about," father said. 

"Why would care," I said getting angry at them. 

"Because we're your parents," mom said. 

"Sure you are. Some parent you are," I said. 

"Do not use that tone with us," father said. 

"What tone. All the sudden you two act like you care about my safety. After what the both of you did," I said almost losing it. 

"We've always care about you. You are our daughter, so is Neon," mom said. I felt something anger inside of me. I remember how Neon felt about my parents that they were trying to replace her's. 

"She is NOT your daughter. She's my best friend, she could never do anything wrong. You two trying to erase her parents from her memory. She loved them, she doesn't love you. You dad had the nerve to take her away, she didn't ask for this, she was born with it. How does anyone know you her parent's killer were, no one knows. I'm starting to suspect that is was the both of you who plotted their deaths," I said angry. 

"We didn't do such a thing. If we didn't care about her we wouldn't have taken her in," mom said. 

"You only did it for me. You only wanted to use her," I said. 

"Enough with this. You didn't act like this, before you went Yamoto," mom said. 

"What are you talking about," I said. What were they getting at here. 

"So you too," father said, "Don't lie to me Kira."

"I'm not lying to you," I said. 

"You met Lady Himeko didn't you," I heard dad say. How was I suppose to answer that one, the both of them back me into a corner. "You mean the one who is Yamoto's leader, yeah I remember her. She came by Neon's parents graves. I guess she knew them," I said. I saw their faces drop what seemed like relief. I knew they believe my lie. 

"Somedays I wonder if you are my real parents," I yelled slamming my door I heard my parents call out my name. My back was up against the door and I slide slowly to the floor. I was worried about Neon, I missed her so bad. I've been trying to be strong for everyone. Neon has always been good at that. I feel kinda lonely without Neon around. I felt my head hurt, the same feeling I had a few days ago. I layed down on my back, I saw my reflection in the a mirror in my closet. I saw my dark blue hair and my hazel eyes that were almost green. I looked at myself, I didn't look like my parents. I closed my eyes remembering the dreams I've been having about that same woman. She had greenish, blueish hair with the same color eyes. I tall figure, a soft face that wasn't feimine. Her hair cut was smiliar to mine, it remind me of Lady Himeko. In one of my dream that woman was holding a baby. It couldn't be, why would I. The only relation that we have is that, she was the leader of Yamoto.There was no way I could be related in that way. I remember what Neon told me that I remind her of Lady Himeko. I go up to close my closet door, then I saw a box fall out. I picked up the box and put it on my bed. I open the box to see an envelope, I open it. 

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