Chapter 13: Saturo Tachibanna

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Guys this chapter is super late, forgive me. I've been busy so yeah. Guys school is starting back up for me so updated are going to be slow. I'm in 10th grade this year and my schedule is crazy. I'll try to update much as possible. 
Warning: light swearing in this chapter. Don't hate! It's for the story.

No one's pov

A man with white hair with a pair of black glasses and with red eyes in a uniform; walks through the building he's currently working at. He entered his office and sat down at his desk going through paper work. There was a knock at his door.

"Come in" The white haired man said.

A blue haired man with green eyes and in the same uniform as the white haired man.

"I'm here with my report the recent investigation on high magi levels being sensed." The blue haired man said.

"Yeah what is it. Yoshio, have you conclude your investigation." The whitette said.

"That's what I'm not sure of sir. There was a high level of magi then it suddenly went away. The thing is the other day there was an extreme amount of magic being used, then a moment later it completely disappeared. Meaning there was no trace of it. I had my men search for the source of power was coming from and we have no leads to where it came from. I even searched it for myself. So, that's why I'm here to ask for your opinion on the matter." Yoshio said.

"Well Yoshio there's one thing that can cause that kind of disturbance. That damn crystal, but the thing is we would of been able to sense it's power still. Someone or the user hide their magic before we could catch the hint. But there is the possibility that it could be something else." The whited man said.

"Sir, I know what that necklace's power feels like, so do you." Yoshio said.

"I know Yoshio. But I want you to keep ab extra eye out for this power and necklace. And I know someone else who can do this job himself." The white haired man said.

"Yes sir" Yoshio said.

"One more thing Yoshio, that kid you took in six years ago you don't ever talk about her. How's she doing ever since her accident." The man asked Yoshio.

"She's holding up just fine I suppose. The girl doesn't talk much. She's always around my daughter Kira. Why did you asked, Saturo" Yoshio said/asked.

"Yoshio don't act like it's a big serect. She's the daughter of those two. And I think our dear sweet Himeko lied to us about the necklace." Saturo said.

"I know that. And you want me to see if she posses it." Yoshio said.

"Yes" Saturo said.

"Very well" Yoshio said and left.

Neon, Kira, Kori, and Yuki were at school. The gang were walking together in the halls.

"Neon are you feeling better since the weekend." Kori asked worried.

"Yes I am. You know you guys can quit worrying about me. I'm fine" Neon said calmly with a hint of irritation. She thought it was sweet that they care about her so much, but it was starting to get on her nerves.

"Alright Neon whatever you say. But don't come complaining to me. When you pass out and Kori has to carries you to the nurse's office. But you weren't complaining the other day when he did that." Kira teased her foster sister, making Kori to lightly blush in the process.

"Hey! It wasn't like that. I was unconsciousness. Someone had to carry me. And he probably felt bad and was blaming himself for my situation." Neon said.

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