chapter 22: base is dead

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new front cover! Who likes it? Please tell me your thoughts!

-Erin xx


It was Saturday. Lottie sat just outside her house, a pair of gold and white sunglasses protecting her eyes from the unnaturally hot sunlight. There was one thing on her mind- "What am I going to do today besides sitting here getting incredibly bored?" A twenty-minute sail was on at 'Sauvage et magnifique'(Lottie's favourite clothing shop) but Lottie couldn't quite force herself out of her seat right was too comfortable and warm. She pulled out her phone too check if anyone had bothered to message her right now. Maybe Jo had? The two of them hadn't spoken since 'the incident' which was Lottie called it. She didn't really like thinking about it but right now she couldn't quite help it. She had many questions....and wanted answers. 

Lottie turned on her phone and gasped as she realised she had 20 messages. Who would text her? Kai? 

She clicked on the messages icon. Yep, Kai had sent her around 10 of those messages. She laughed. Most of them were like "HI!!!!" "WUU2?" "Wanna talk?" and "Q.S.S tomoz?" She quickly replied to his last one.

2 were from Millie. Lottie was actually really surprised she got any from her. When Millie was angry, she would stay angry for weeks. 

Millie: Hey, how are you? Wanna meet up?

Millie: Lottie plz don't be angry at me. We've never fallen out before. I wanna stay as friends.

Lottie: what? u aren't mad at me! 

Millie replied fast.

Millie: No. I was last week but I forgive good friends fast. Lottie can we go back to being BFFs!? 

Lottie: Sure Mils, definitely! U heard from Jo?

Millie: No. She hasn't spoken to anyone for a while. What went on between u and her?

Lottie: Just a fall out. Quite a bad one. She was following me and I was annoyed.

Millie: Oh. Sugar Lump?

Lottie: no. I feel like Coffeeholic. 

Millie: Me too. See u there.

Lottie felt like a massive weight had been lifted of her shoulders. Millie was back, not Jo but at least Millie. She quickly grabbed her bike and rode of to Coffeeholic, a tiny pink coffee shop who sold probably the best coffee and raspberry brownies you can think of. Lottie licked her lips- she needed that. 



The sudden noise caused Kai to slip and plummet head first into his swimming pool, drenching his clothes. He cried out and returned to the surface spluttering and with his hair filled with leaves.

"Why doesn't dad put a cover over that filthy pool!?" Kai shouted as the water flowed of his clothing, creating a puddle on the ground, "this is the fifth time I fell in there!" He glanced at his T -Shirt which was stained an unusual red colour. Then he looked at the pool. 

"EMIIIILLLLYYYYY!" he yelled, glaring at the summer house at the end of the garden. His 10 year old sister emerged, clutching her doll. A grin was plastered across her face when she saw Kai, covered in red goo. 

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR!" yelled Kai, rubbing the slimy red goo from his top in disgust. Emily smiled, her blue eyes suddenly looking vicious. 

"Payback little Kai, you broke Dorothy!" she shrieked. Kai sighed.

"How many times do I have to say this! It was an accident! The vacuum- cleaner sucked it up! I tried to get it out but I accidentally ripped it!"

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