chapter 28: the countdown to my life....

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A gun shot burned Jo's ears. She had darted down one of the isles and bolted into the 'staff only' room. She didn't have enough time to worry about breaking into the room...the shop was shut any way, except for the cleaners. They'd yelled at her but Jo was to frightened to take in what they were saying. It was a matter of life or death for her. 

And then she'd heard the gun shot.

And then she'd smelt blood.

He was here. And a cleaner was dead.

At least that had brought me time, thought Jo....then she gasped and realised that...

the cleaner was dead because of HER. And she forgot to care for 2 seconds. 

"I am so selfish," thought Jo...tears clouded her eyes as she walked further into the room. "Maybe I should just say, 'here I am! Kill me!'" 

But she couldn't bring herself to as every time she thought about it...she thought about her parents..."I must survive."

Her eyes met the tiny window above her. It wasn't to hard to reach. 

Jo climbed onto the wooden crate nearby and her hands quickly grasped the window ledge. Then, gritting her teeth, she hauled herself up, wincing and groaning. She hadn't eaten any thing since this morning and her legs were slowly getting tired. It was like after each minute, some of her strength was drained from her.

Jo pushed the window and sighed in was open.

Jo screamed and the killer's nasty laugh was getting closer and closer....

then she heard a voice.... she climbed down from the window. 

"Yes, we did!"


Yes! That was Lottie....Jo unlocked the door....and cried out. 

The killer was holding a gun at Lottie's chest.


April 2017:

So here I am. 

Lottie Lawson, trembling right in front of a lethal killer.

I regret my job. I am such a failure. 

I still don't actually know who this guy is....

But he isn't Karlos, that's for sure. 

I shrink back as the killer curls his finger around the trigger....

I'm counting down the seconds...I can hear Kai screaming somewhere behind me but I can't tell what he's saying.

You know when fear blinds you so much, you can't process words or anything, it's like everything's just been tuned out of you...all you can hear is your thoughts.

Yeah, that's how I feel and I don't like listening to my thoughts right now.

"Any last words, beauty?" 

Yuck...I feel like gagging as the killer twirls his moustache...wait! moustache?

I narrow my eyes. Where did I see a moustache like that one before?

the 'shhherrr.'


I looked more closely and a tiny badge was pinned to his tie. 

"YOU!" I screamed, then I nearly choked, "YOU!"

The killer smiled, "Yes....Lottie. Your intelligence never surprises me! A very keen eyes but you never noticed me did you! Even when I faked being bothered by your disastrous noise in 'The Beginning room,' But beauty I must silence you. Melissa must never know..."

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