Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Starting a new school is always hard, especially for me.

You see, I've experienced this feeling a lot, I stopped counting when I started at my 9th school when I was about 10 years old. Moving house isn't something exciting or thrilling anymore, it has now become just another routine. At least twice a year my father and I move houses. Not just a few blocks away, oh no, a few hours away in a completely new town.

It's not like it's a hobby of Father's to keep moving from place to place, dragging me along with him, it's something we have to do.

I have a very bad past that involves my family and if we don't stay on the move, our life could become chaos once again.

You may be thinking, what could be so bad in a 17 year old girls life? Why can't her and her family just face their problems?

Well put it this way, if we hadn't got caught last time, Father wouldn't be sleeping alone still grieving over Mother's tragic death.

I would elaborate on this but it's still a very touchy subject for me.

Plus, the less others know the better.

So here I am.

Another school yet again.

The difficult part of moving schools is every school is different. Some are all separated into their own friend groups, some are just a huge happy family. Some are big, some are small. Some are all girls, some are mixed.. Etc.

The second I walk into St. Brooke's High I know what type of school I'm dealing with.

The Hierarchy kind.

Starting at the top you've got your Skanky blonde bitches

Football Jocks

And so on...

Rigggght down to nerds which is my preferred category.

Since I don't stay at one school for very long, I've had endless opportunities to try out different personas.

Goth, theatre geek, cheerleader you name it!!! But nerd has always been my most natural character group.

I look at being a nerd as a positive thing. It means that don't have many friends and I go through school unnoticed, making my abrupt exit an easier task to manage.

I'm also one of those average types of people, nothing that stands out. I blend in and I like it this way.

I'm quite short, about 5'4. I have long thick hair the colour of... Really dark dirt basically that has a slight natural curl to it. I'm slightly curvy much to my distaste, my body grabs unwanted attention, whistles and hollers are not what I need when my aim is to blend in.

I have big eyes too. You might be thinking oh nice! Big eyes! But just like luck, they're a yellowy brown, so... The colour of yellowy dirt.

I'm not saying I'm ugly, I'm just nothing special.

I'm happy I look this way! I really am! Means no attention, no attachment.

This equals to an easy goodbye which suits me fine.

So this is how I've planned my six months here, just the same routine as my previous schools.

My life is very structured and full of routines... Most people find this boring but I find this a good thing.

It means there are no surprises that might catch me off guard, and I'm one of those girls that hates surprises.


To start of my first day here at St. Brooke's, I have maths. Oh joy. Maths is the one subject that wrestles with the logic in my brain. I just cannot comprehend anything when it comes to numbers... Ugh. What a long class this will be.

I arrive early into maths to save the awkward introduction to the class and have everyone's eyes glued on the new girl. I greet the teacher and explain to her that I just started today, then find a seat at the back of the class.

After a few minutes, all the other students file in, glancing absent mindly at me then doing a double take when realising they have never seen me before. A few people introduce themselves as the maths lesson progressed. A dorky girl named Jane with thick rimmed glasses, mousy brown hair and a twig-like body came and plonked herself next to me. She shook my hand eagerly and started blabbering on at an alarmingly fast pace.

"Nice to meet you!!! Do you like maths! I loooove maths! This class is a breeze don't worry!!! I'm here for you if you ever need help on aaaanything at all! Oh it's just so good to make a new friend!!! I love making new friends! When I-"

I gently rested my hand on her arm, signalling her to take a breath and let me talk.

"I'm Bella, nice to meet you. Sorry I have a very bad headache at the moment, it's been a busy morning". I explain to her.

"Oh!!! I'm so sorry! I completely understand... By the way you have the most amazing eyes! They're so beautiful, like two huge golden orbs!!" She gushed.

I smile and nod my head as if to say thankyou.

Finally maths ended, with me only having to have two small conversations with people. Jane and this other girl named Stella. She seems a bit too ditzy for my liking, but she was nice enough.

After a few more agonisingly long subjects, it's finally lunch.

Now, learning from my past experiences, if you're new, do not eat in the cafeteria.

Unless you want to eat alone while people smirk at you and the empty chairs surrounding your lonely self. You can basically read their thoughts as they stare at you.

"Aww, the new girl has no friends. Poor baby hahahaha".

So library it is.

Not that I mind, I love reading and the silence is so calming, perfect place to relax and let my mind wonder.


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