Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


I wake up from my nap to the sound of a high pitched screech.

"That's her!!!"

Curious to whom the parrot-like voice was referring to, I look up groggily, taking in my surroundings.

Some students were just staring at me, the others were focused on the entrance of the library, where three girls stand.

I recognise the one on the right to be Stella, the one who talked to me in Maths.

On the left, was a girl slightly shorter and less curvy. She has quite a petite figure, the opposite of Stella's body, yet equally as gorgeous. I didn't notice much else about those two, as my eyes where fixed on the goddess standing in between them.


My body swarmed with jealousy and inferiority.

She was basically a real life barbie, yet sexier, Not slutty like the other two. She had that dominant aura that Stella and her friend lacked, you could tell they were still insecure about themselves but the middle one was completely sure of herself, like nothing really mattered.

I immediately knew where she lay in the schools food chain.

Right at the top, above the rest of us.

Her eyes caught mine, her ice blue pupils hypnotising my caramel ones.

Her mouth spread into a sickly sweet smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. There was some peculiar emotions littered behind the blue. Determination? relief?

The three girls stalked their way over to me, Stella popped her gum, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"You're Bella aren't you darling?" The middle one asked.

"Ugh, yes hi, who are you sorry? I only know Stella" I said slightly embarrassed.

Stella's mouth pulled up into a smirk, I bet that's the first time someone has said they knew her and not Elodie.

Her laugh tinkled through the air.

"Me? Why I'm Elodie and that little cutie is Sarah!!" Sarah frowned slightly, but recovers and waved at me.

"Hey Bella nice to meet-"

"Has nobody mentioned me to you before?" Elodie spoke, cutting Sarah off, causing Sarah to sink back with a defeated look.

"Oh you poor baby, you must know nothing about this school!! Come come, what class do you have next?" Elodie continued.

"Um... I have P.E" I answered mechanically, still dazed to the amount of events that has happened since I woke up from my nap in the library.

"Oh good. Walk with me girls, you too Bella" she commanded.

I scrambled out of my library seat, stuffing my lunch and books back into my bag and scuttle after the three girls now descending down the hall way towards the exit.

The school bell screeched just as I walked out of the school building and onto the field. Elodie and the others continued walking against the crowd of students now heading to class. They finally came to a tree at the back of the field and sat down, beckoning for me to copy their actions.

"Um... The bell went guys.." I spoke, looking around at the now deserted field.

The girls laughed looked at me like I was the naive and stupid one.

"It's P.E Bella, who cares if you miss a lesson?" Stella spoke nonchalantly.

"Plus, this is an unusual proposal we are offering. Nobody hangs out with us unless we invite them, so consider yourself lucky and just sit down with us." Sarah added.

"This is your chance darling, hang out with us, or go to P.E late, and still have no friends." Elodie flashed a fake smile as the others smirked.

I stood there dumbfounded. They think I'm going to act as if I'm their god damn puppy? begging for their attention and obey their every command?

I crossed my arms over my chest, letting an amused grin cross over my face.

"Sorry 'darling', but I'm not putting up with your bullshit. I really couldn't care less if this invitation is rare, I would prefer no friends than to hang out with you three. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a P.E class to attend. Bye girlies." I shrill in a sickly sweet tone.

I blow them a kiss and wave goodbye. I shoot each of them daggers before abruptly turn around and stalking off towards my class.

I could tell they would be bad news from the second I saw their beautifully fake faces. It was easier to nip it in the bud and not get involved with them in the first place. Plus it's not exactly a great impression if you miss your first ever P.E class.

Even though I exited rather quickly, I was slow enough to see the shock and disbelief painted across their faces once I had finished my speech.

After a minute of walking I gave in and let the satisfactory smile creep across my face.

God I love the feeling of dominance and superiority.


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